Drones Monitor Manitoba Peatlands

During the summer of 2016, Brandon University student Peter Brandt joined BU assistant professor, Dr. Peter Whittington of the Geography department on a field study of peatlands in Eastern Manitoba. Whittington has spent over a decade of his career studying peatlands, and the regeneration of peatlands, so the subject was very dear to him.

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An Open Letter to the Women’s Collective

Dear Women’s Collective: Thank you for your letter voicing concerns about BUSL’s activities on-campus. Our club respects and values all women, including those not yet born. We have always been committed to having open, respectful, and meaningful dialogue based on facts, sound philosophy, and a desire to pursue the truth. The truth about abortion is at stake here.

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An Open Letter to the Brandon University Students for Life

Recently, your Pro-Life Club has been handing out flyers and writing on sidewalks citing intentionally inaccurate statistics regarding abortions undergone in Canada. The Women’s Collective has found these demonstrations both disturbing and dangerous, as they are propagating misinformation and distorted patriarchal beliefs about a legal, and normal, medical procedure.

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University of Manitoba Hosts Student Journalism Conference

On October 15th there was a student journalist conference held at the University of Manitoba. The Manitoba Student Journalism Conference was organized by the Manitoban, the U of M’s student newspaper. This was the first time this particular event has ever taken place. I was one of the three Quill members fortunate enough to be able to attend.

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Fan Girl Sighting

So, I’m 25. My age puts me firmly in the Harry Potter generation. I use Harry Potter references to describe myself: I’m a Hufflepuff with a touch of Slytherin, I explain when people ask me why I do the things I do. I surround myself with fellow Potter-heads; I identify with characters; I compare real-world events to the books like, well, they’re real (but let’s be real – Trump is a total Umbridge, amirite?).

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Diversions: Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality

The internet has allowed fan fiction to spread like wildfire, nothing you know and love is safe. Including Harry Potter. So what would happen if the beloved Harry Potter was in fact Harry James Potter-Evans-Verres, a highly rational child prodigy who applies the scientific method to everything he meets in the wizarding world? Well then you get Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality, where magic is just a word, and scientific experimentation is everything.

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