Exams are Coming Up!

Exams are Coming Up!

by Ronnie Neiman

It is the end of the semester and that means handing in final assignments and exams. Be sure to stay aware of when everything is happening in that regard. Know when your final assignments are due, know when you are having final exams in the classroom, and know when you are having exams in the exam schedule. 

Missing any of those dates can be rather unforgiving unless there is a specific medical reason. Other types of absences can be excused at the discretion of your professor and/or dean of your specific department, but arrangements need to be made ahead of time. 

Do not forget to study. That is just as important as remembering when to take the exams. You need to be able to prove that you know the materials in order to get a passing grade for your class, even better of the grade is higher because it reflects well on your G.P.A. 

Is there a final exam review in your class? If you are not sure, ask! Professors cover a lot of material over the semester, make you know what they will focus most on. 

Then it is time to study. Study alone or study in a group. Get help from student resources if you are in need of some good study tips or even if you just need a refresher. 

Remember to pace yourself. You will not do yourself any good if you stress too much and develop severe anxiety. Take breaks when you need to. Study in moderation. Do not overwhelm yourself with information.

 Best of luck with your exams and hope to see next semester!