What’s going on at BU?

What’s going on at BU?

by Charles Adamu

Previously on “What’s going on at BU?”

In my last article/update on “What’s going on at BU?”, we talked about quite a lot of things. From how the new academic term kicked off, to how I spent my first official school day searching for classes instead of going to them. We talked about how the Halloween spirit had taken over the whole campus and the various events that our Residence assistants and Residence council hosted to keep the Halloween spirit thriving- Halloween movie nights and the 2022 Residence Halloween party (I still get chills whenever I remember all the costumes). And I, on behalf of Brandon university, welcomed our freshers once again into our lovely campus. But like I said in the previous article, there is always something going on at Brandon University and here I am again, prepared to lay down to you what has transpired in the last few weeks at Brandon university. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to “What’s going on at BU?”

What’s going on at BU?

 Sadly guys the Halloween spirit has left Brandon University and has gone on to some other universe with a slower timeline to show them love by scaring the jinkies out of them, and has now passed the baton on to Santa Claus. Before I go on, I would like to use this medium to say to Santa that I have done my best this year and I think that, unlike last year, I don’t deserve to be on your naughty list. This year, I am going to be expecting things other than coal in my socks. Thanks, Santa. Moving on, I would like to start by talking about the myth- No one uses the study break well. The study break lasted for three days, the remembrance day included. It was brought to my attention that up until this year, the study break had been a full week but, due to strategic and academic reasons, the university decided that the study break will from henceforth be three days. So down to the big questions guys: How well did you use your study break? Did you use it to study? Are three days enough? Remember guys, it was a “study” break not a “do other things but study” break. I’d like to say that I used it well and that I had disgraced the “no one uses the study break well” myth but honestly, I ended up making the myth very proud of me. But in my defense, the phrase “study break”, sounds like a break from studying to me. Enough of me though, let us take a look at how the study break was spent by students in residence.

Life in residence

As always, the resident assistants and the residence council have kept on planning events to foster unity and familiarity among residents and they grasped the opportunity of the three days study break to continue doing just that. On behalf of the residence council, Finn once again hosted yet another event; an event I like to call, “The Arcane Night”. Now honestly if you are yet to see Arcane- an animated show on Netflix- then I really don’t know what you’ve been doing (studying, hopefully) or where you’ve been (planet earth, hopefully). The show is a must-watch, especially for those who are fans of animated shows. It has an IMDb rating of 9/10 and 100% percent rotten tomatoes. 100! Watching the show with my fellow residents during the study break would be my second time streaming the series and yet, it gave me the same chills as it did on my “Arcane watching debut”. 

All residents were invited to the movie night, there was lots of food and drinks, and it was a night to remember. Alongside the Arcane night, other events were held, including a lord of the rings and the hobbit movie nights. If you take a good look around you, you would notice that decorations are gradually moving from spooky to Christmas-y. Now I don't know about you but I love Christmas. I mean who would not? A season of love and gifts, families coming together to spend quality time with one another, lovers reminding each other, in their ways, why they love each other, children building snowmen and using the heads of the snowmen for snow fights, Santa Claus finally rewarding all those who were good during the year and giving coal to people like me. 

As Christmas approaches, the term is gradually coming to an end and I know you all do not want to hear this but our finals are coming. I know guys…I know. I’m pissed too but it is what it is. My advice: Study hard and smart so that you don’t have anything holding your celebrations. But honestly, I think I am preaching to the choir because unlike what you might think, Brandon University students are ready to destroy those finals. Want to know how I know? Easy, I was at the long night against procrastination(LNAP) event.

 Long Night Against Procrastination

Firstly let me begin by saying that the acronym(LNAP) is quite funny because if you only write out what the “L” stands for and leave the remaining letters as they are, then it reads “Long NAP”. Which is kind of against the whole purpose of the Long night against procrastination event. Okay, dad jokes aside, the LNAP event was a bomb. The event was held at the library on the 23rd of November 2022 from 8 pm to 2 am. Honestly, it was nice and comforting to know that I was not the only one with the "procrastination disease". I went around greeting my friends like, “Hello there my fellow procrastinator”. The turnout was massive. I was a bit late and so it took my friend and me about ten minutes to find a place to study because the library was packed; the ground floor was filled as well as the first floor and I had to go all the way to the Northern Stacks section to get a place to sit; some people even had to sit on the floor. At the library, there was a coffee stand, there were cookies, drinks, pizza, and a lot of other snacks. There was writing help for those who needed it for their essays or wanted to improve their writing abilities in general, there was math help for those who needed it, and safe walks were even offered. The university really came through. And it wasn’t just residents, it was everyone. I felt proud of people I had never even met before just because we were there fighting for the same cause- a fight against procrastination.

Christmas is coming

Ladies and Gentleman, I know it is a bit early but I would like to, on the behalf of Santa, welcome you to the Christmas season. A time to eat, drink, and make merry. I hope you are joyed and prepared to celebrate because I am. If you look around, you would notice that the decorations are already coming up. Christmas trees are here and there, lights are going on walls and doors, family pictures are going up as well, and gifts are already getting wrapped. Ho! Ho! Ho! On Residence, Derek Booth- the residence Manager, has even called for a door decorating contest and there will be prizes guys so let us get our creative light bulbs floating on our heads and decorate the Christmas out of those doors. Speaking of eating drinking and making merry, in the spirit of Christmas and the academic term coming to a close, the university will be holding an end-of-term banquet. The banquet will be held on the 2nd of December from 5 pm to 9 pm at the Harvest Hall. The theme is Luminous Forest. And although not required, you are advised to come in a formal dress. I hope you’ve got your ticket because I have got mine and I would not like to celebrate without you all. After all, the more the merrier 

As I've stated before and will continue to reiterate, at Brandon University, there is always something happening. Always! Sports events, residence events, events just for eating and drinking, and even events just to fight a common enemy: procrastination. What a University! Once again, my name is charles and as always it has been an honor updating and reminding you all of the various activities and events that go on at Brandon University. As the term and year gradually come to an end, I hope and pray that you all make the most of this festive season, I hope that you receive so many gifts to the point of thinking about giving me some of them, and I hope that you go about sharing love and leaving smiles on the faces of people. I look forward to seeing every one of you in the next academic term and updating you as always on, “What is going on at BU?” But for now, it is goodbye and ho! ho! ho!