Indigenous Peoples’ Director Candidate: Sheree Blacksmith

(Credit: Ashlyn Pearce/The Quill)

The Quill: What do you feel most qualifies you for this position?

Sheree Blacksmith: My prior work and life experiences most qualify me for this position. I previously graduated from Brandon University without really knowing my school, now that I am back at BU working towards my Masters I have decided to become a part of it.

TQ: Please explain one goal that you would like to achieve in the position, should you be elected.

SB: University is a very important place to many people and it is also a formative time for growth and change. I would like Brandon University to be a place where people come to school to receive a great education but also to have positive social experiences. If elected as the Indigenous Peoples’ Director, one major goal would be to communicate with my constituency and to get BU students more involved with BUSU and campus events.

TQ: What is your favourite campus event/activity, and why?

SB: My favourite campus event would be Orientation or [Snowientation]. Going to school or coming back to school after a long break is not an easy task, and having fun activities or treats during this time really helps me relieve stress.