Accessibility Director Candidate: Whitney Hodgins

(Credit: Ashlyn Pearce/The Quill)

The Quill: What do you feel most qualifies you for this position?

Whitney Hodgins:  I feel I'm qualified for this position because I have served as the Accessibility Director since May 1st, 2016. I also identify as a student with accessibility needs, and so I come with the experience of what sort of things can come up while being a student at BU. I have had the pleasure to take part in some great consultation work ranging from updating university policies to give input on new policies, and teaching manuals in customer service with the BU Accessibilities Manitoba Act Steering Committee. I've had the opportunity to speak on campus to professionals in the Accessibility and Mental Health Field at the Mental Health on the Prairies Conference as one of the youngest speakers at the entire conference, and am currently a face of the #MyDefinition campaign to break down stigma. There is so much more I can talk about but those are just three of the highlights, and I would like to continue to do amazing work both behind the scenes and out in the open for the student body. 

TQ:  Please explain one goal that you would like to achieve in the position, should you be elected.

WH:  One goal I would like to do if elected for a second term is to one day create an Accessibilities Week, if possible. We already have a Mental Health week, so I would like to see the inclusion of this group of students represented on campus in whatever way possible. I would also like to continue advocating and supporting students in whatever way I can. 

TQ: What is your favourite campus event/activity, and why?

WH: One of my favorite campus events is Crash the Courtyard. I've been bar staff for the last two years, and I just love serving people and listening to music. It's one of those situations where amidst the chaos I can just jam out and have fun to the music while still being focused. It's an environment where no one will mind, because they’re jamming out to the music, too!