Health Studies Director Candidate: Megan Stade

(Credit: Ashlyn Pearce/The Quill)

The Quill: What do you feel most qualifies you for this position?

Megan Stade: I am a nursing student in the BN Program in the Health Studies Faculty and currently the Health Studies Director. I'm experienced in advocating for the needs of the Health Studies students to the Student Union. 

TQ: Please explain one goal that you would like to achieve in the position, should you be elected.

MS: Although we've made strides in encouraging inclusion and amplifying our voice as students within BUSU, there is still work to be done in strengthening the relations we have established with our sister Psych Nursing program in Winnipeg. Making sure that all students can actively make their voices heard will enrich us as a community and add more weight to advocating for our interests as a student body. 

TQ: What is your biggest personal achievement?

MS: I'm proud to have been trusted to speak on behalf of people who have chosen to provide care to other people as their profession. People who have decided to be at their best for people who are sometimes having their worst days. I am proud to have the opportunity to work to ensure that we are treated in a manner that reflects this.