

Dear Quintilius,

What is the fastest way to lose weight?

Sincerely, Freshmen 15


Dear Fresher,

Be very careful what you ask for because the fastest ways to lose weight are not always the healthiest ways to lose weight. Some ways you may lose weight one month, then gain it right back in the next. Some techniques you can work hard at but turn out little to no results.

The best method to lose weight is quite frankly watching what you eat. I don’t simply mean watching it as it slides down your gullet, I mean keeping in mind the types of food and the quantities you are consuming. Sometimes we get carried away with our eating habits. Sometimes we focus on the taste of the food instead of looking for its nutritious value.

In order for to properly watch your caloric intake try to keep track of all the food you consume in a food journal or on a counting calories app. These are some highly effective methods for those who are motivated and are meticulous loggers of information. The key is being consistent with it and remembering to do it everytime you eat or drink. This can be really difficult for some people on the road or people who are always on the go. You could try to remember and log all your calroies at the end of the day, but in reality after you go home or start to relax you may completely forget about it. If you can find a time to be consistent with this method I’d recommend you do it. However eating less and more nutritious will help you lose weight but feeling better will require some exercise.

The best exercise is to find something physical that you love doing. This will atleast keep you in shape and keep your body strong. Floor hockey, volleyball, tennis, whatever keeps you entertained because when you’re doing something you like it will hardly feel like work a workout. 

All Salute The Eternal City,

Quinitilius of Rome