Code Red 

Code Red 

By: Kiersten Garbutt 

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With the increased number of positive Covid cases in Manitoba, we should take some time to remind ourselves about proper social distancing methods. We know that all of Manitoba has entered code red and we all need to be extra careful. Remember that code red entails mandatory masks in all public places and your ‘bubble’ should only consist of people living in your household. Remember that going out is not a need. 

Masks are a crucial step in lowering your chances of spreading the virus. Remember that the mask will not necessarily keep you safe from others that do not wear a mask, but they will protect others around you! Do not be selfish and protect the community! You never know who is more prone to getting the virus so it’s better to be safer than sorry. Plus, you can get a mask anywhere nowadays and you can find lots of different fun patterns. 

A little reminder to stay six feet away from people that have not been in your bubble. The only way we are going to get through this virus is by being kind and working together as a community. Your decisions do affect others drastically. 

Also, it is important to note that if you are a potential Covid case, you have been told to stay home by public health officials, you go over the limit for public gatherings, or refuse to wear a mask you can get fined up to $1296. So stay safe and stay home!

Young Nigerians Protest to EndSARS

Young Nigerians Protest to EndSARS

By Moses Aisida

While the SARS virus, COVID-19, has ravaged through the world in 2020 - killing millions, and crippling economies - the people of Nigeria have unfortunately been battling a worse SARS for far longer. 

What is S.A.R.S? An acronym for Special Anti Robbery Squad - a unit of the Nigerian Police Force tasked with combatting armed robbery, cultism, and kidnapping – that is the sole operation of SARS or was as at the time it was established in 1992. Over two decades of operation and the unit has gone rogue – adopting the most inhuman methods of torture, maiming, injuring, kidnapping, killing innocent citizens, and engaging in the most dastardly form of human right abuse. As the years go by, the level of impunity and gross misconduct in this dreaded unit has skyrocketed. SARS, created to curb armed robbery, have become the robbers and kidnappers themselves. Nigerian youths (teenagers and young adults) have been the ones mostly on the receiving end as they have become targets for these trigger-happy officers. SARS officers often profile young people, forcibly unlock their smartphones, arrest them unlawfully, and lay charges against them for extortion. 

What has the government done? Over the years, the Nigerian government has benefited immensely from the actions of SARS as the unit has been weaponized for political errands, intimidation, or witch-hunting. Therefore, there has been a reluctance to probe, reform, or even stop them. The stance of the government has given this unit more courage to mete out evil and wickedness against young Nigerians. At times when tensions had risen over killings, the government had promised to reform, probe, and even dissolve the unit. These promises have never been actualized and have been seen as a political ‘chess moves’ by the government to ease tension until things return to the status quo.

Tension finally exploded on Tuesday, 6th October, when another case of SARS killing triggered a nationwide protest by the youths calling for the rogue unit to be abolished, supported by a social media hashtag – #EndSARS. Till this moment, the protests have been going on peacefully, with embittered youths displaying placards and marching to strategic government institutions to state their demands. As a show of support to the protesters, a Nigerian feminist organization called Feminist Coalition set up a crowdfunding platform to help supporters with protest items like food, water, placards, drinks, ambulances, private security, and even legal support for wrongfully detained protesters.

 There has been a need for more outcry on social media platforms because the local media houses have been reluctant to cover protests and have even gone as far as posting fake headlines siding with the government. Despite the protests, the police have continued to harass citizens and unlawfully arrest peaceful protesters. The government has also employed the services of sponsored thugs to injure protesters and disrupt their gatherings. Since the series of protests began, over ten peaceful protesters have lost their lives to the police and sponsored thugs, yet, this has not deterred the protesters from speaking up with their demands, which is to see an end to SARS and police brutality in Nigeria.

Want to know more about this SARS, their atrocities, and the movement against them? Want to read the personal experiences of the victims of SARS? Check out, CNN, Aljazeera, or follow the hashtag #EndSARS on Twitter and Instagram. Be informed, lend your voice against human right violation. Speak up!

Photo by Olayinka Tobi (Novographer), a Nigerian photographer

Photo by Olayinka Tobi (Novographer), a Nigerian photographer




It is indeed strange times in the world today and even so at Brandon University with the ongoing pandemic spreading in great numbers. Learning has taken a new and unfamiliar turn as we round up the first month since the resumption for the fall semester. With the school taking the step of shutting down almost all physical classes and implementing online learning for the term, students have had various experiences and opinions about online learning. Change demands adaptability, and with adaptability comes difficulties. Online learning has come with obstacles, and challenges, ranging from access to a stable internet connection to navigating some of these online platforms, technical issues, and many more bumps. Students have had varying experiences with the new system. While online learning has made it easy for people with stage fright to make presentations with less fear, it has also impacted the social lives of students in classes by limiting physical interactions, which is key to mental development. 

What does the future hold? Uncertainty with its timid, shaky hands. On Wednesday, 30th September, the university announced that the Winter Term would be taken online, much like the ongoing fall term. A lot of students have been questioning the school's plan for the next semester, and its decision to continue online was well received. This decision is far from being unexpected when you observe the recent rollercoaster spike and fall of COVID-19 cases have occurred. One can say it is probably the best option health-wise and would most likely remain so unless a vaccine magically appears in the next few months – even then, it would take a few more months for it to be available to the entire willing populace. 

So, what are the consequences of this decision? As much as the positives are huge, what tiny aspects could be affected negatively? Firstly, the social state of students could worsen – as winter is widely known to create social barriers, limit interaction, and reduce outdoor social gatherings. Also, it could become more difficult for students who are already finding it difficult to adapt to the new system this term. Self-management is the major challenge that students currently face from online learning – trying to motivate themselves to study in a distracting environment. The decision to continue online will see some students getting motivation challenges, and this could lead to other more severe consequences like the loss of interest in studying, bad grades, dropping out of school, frustration, anger, and even depression or worse. While the winter term online learning may see a lot of students adjusting and thriving, it may see some others crashing, burn, or struggle. One thing is sure - the winter term would be a test of mental fortitude. 

How can we make things easier? The university would do well to improve access to psychological/mental help. Helping students mentally through these frustrating times might be the key to academic excellence. Also, allowance should exist for students who are not as quick to grasp this new structure. Students should also be ready to be challenged and try to remain motivated. Doing group studying on platforms like Zoom or Microsoft Teams can be a fun way to combine study with interaction. All parties have to work hand in hand to make sure we all come out of this strong. Like Robin S. Sharma said, “Change is hard at first, messy in the middle and gorgeous at the end.” 

Stay strong, we are all in this together.

an empty Brandon University on Thursday 10th October, 2020. Photo by Moses Aisida

an empty Brandon University on Thursday 10th October, 2020. Photo by Moses Aisida

US President and First Lady Test Positive for COVID-19

US President and First Lady Test Positive for COVID-19

By Zach Roozendaal

In the year of 2020, many notable figures have come down with COVID-19, from athletes like Rudy Gobert of the Utah Jazz, to actors like Tom Hanks and Idris Elba. Even key political figures and world leaders, such as our Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his wife Sophie, and UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

And with the USA being a COVID-19 hotspot for many months, one could only hope for the safety of the citizens within its borders. Even the president himself did seem to have anxiety about getting the virus himself, and early this morning, the announcement was made via the official twitter account of Donald Trump himself, that he and First Lady Melania Trump had officially tested positive for COVID-19.

As mentioned before, Trump is certainly not the first world leader to have contracted the virus, however due to his age, it’s a significant concern that it may seriously affect his health. To some, they might tell you that this is karma exacting its toll on him for not taking more precautions, for others it’s just an unfortunate turn of events, but Donald mentioned in the post that he doesn’t intend to let this be the end for him.

Now I’d like to point out right now that normally, especially within the past year or so, I’ve tried to take more of a neutral stance politically, as I see both sides as being flawed and both hypocritical and quick to believe anything that panders to their views without showing scepticism.

But regardless of political beliefs, wealth, or religious views, everyone is human, and to say that it’s a good thing that he has Coronavirus isn’t okay. He is still a person, maybe one I don’t agree with on everything, but that doesn’t make him any less of a human being. He may not be everyone’s favourite person, but to wish something like this on him isn’t anymore okay than some of the negative things he’s done.

By no means am I saying I support him, but I don’t like seeing people in pain or suffering, even if they’re republicans backed by controversial groups. People are people, there is no red or blue states, just the people who live there and call it home. Not everyone will agree on everything, but I think we can all agree that hopefully like lots of people, he and his family will be okay.

Senior Whitehouse Aide Hope Hicks had come down with the virus, and shortly thereafter Donald Trump did too. He is now set to spend a few days at a military hospital. He is currently fatigued and has taken an experimental antibody injection, according to Trump’s doctor. The Whitehouse has said that the visit is simply a precautionary one. He is staying at the Walter Reed National Military Hospital, which has been equipped with a specialized office space for the president to go about his many tasks.

In a short video taped before departing via helicopter to the hospital, Trump gave the following statement:

            "I think I'm doing very well, but we're going to make sure that things work out."

The United States has been criticized for its handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, with many saying that the necessary precautions weren’t taken and the rules weren’t strict enough, even stating that the divisiveness over mandatory mask policies, social distancing and staying at home wasn’t taken seriously by officials, and even giving into threats and bribes from people like Elon Musk, the Tesla CEO and billionaire who threatened legal action and to pull all Tesla production from the state of California if the precautions weren’t lifted by the state government. Easy for him to say, while he sits in his rocket with his rich friends ready to go to Mars.

 In any case, Donald and Melania are doing their best to make it through it, and although to some it’s an opportunity in their eyes to make jokes or even point out the irony of the situation, for this journalist, all I wish is to see that him and his family are safe and healthy, even though I’m not much of a fan of his campaign or policies.

Stay safe out there, and take care of each other, and remember to practice social distancing, frequent hand washing and hand sanitizer use, abide by mask policies, and to stay home and get tested if you even feel slightly unwell. I’ll leave you all with one last thought.

Good isn’t something a person is, it’s something they do.

Until then, I’m Zach Roozendaal, signing off.

Goodbye for now.

Brandon University Participates in Orange Shirt Day This Week

Brandon University Participates in Orange Shirt Day This Week

By Ronnie Kayla Neiman

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On the 30th of September, Brandon University will be participating in Orange Shirt day. They are asking everyone to show support by wearing and orange shirt, and in other ways such as using and orange background on Zoom. There are also other ways to show your support by using various resources supplied by the university that have been gathered to to teach the legacy of residential schools. 

The use of orange shirts to commemorate this part of history comes from the story of six-year-old Phyllis (Jack) Webstad who had her new and shiny orange shirt taken from her at residential school. Her story can be found on the Orange Shirt Day website. 

Wearing Orange shirts, or using orange in some way on Wednesday, even for those working from home, doing online classes, and seeing fewer people than usual, can still send an amazing and powerful message of reclaiming what was forcefully taken from a people and a culture. Orange shirts are available from the BU bookstore and can be ordered online. 

Though, wearing orange is only one way for people to participate. According to university’s website, Brandon University has also put together a number of other activities and resources so that everyone can learn more about the legacy of residential schools, including one that was right here in Brandon.

Here is what you can do on Wednesday:

• Wear your orange shirt!

• Change your Zoom background. BU has created a custom Every Child Matters background for your online meetings. The image can be downloaded on the BU website.

• Take part in new learning. The BU Library has created a number of “libguides” which are curated links to current and accurate resources to help guide your learning:

◦ Orange Shirt Day LibGuide

◦ Brandon Indian Residential School/Brandon Industrial Institute

◦ Indigenous Resources

• Post your own reflections. BU has created an online ‘bulletin board’ space for you to share your own thoughts on Orange Shirt Day, and where you can take a photo of how you are acknowledging Orange Shirt Day. Post your reflections using Lino. We have multiple copies of a book, “Speaking My Truth” as a gift for some of those who participate.

On the Future of Discrimination and Racism

On the Future of Discrimination and Racism

By N. Monk, Futurist and Philosopher

     The discrimination in the future will no longer just be about human versus human but also human versus machine because of a strong bias to humanity's species superiority. In the maybe not so distant future, A.I. might finally pass the Turing test or gain full sentience. However, despite that happening we have a long history of treating the other with contempt. Consciousness or sentience is one of the main things that makes humans the top animal on the planet. If another form of life with sentience appeared it would put what humanity is into question.   

Consider this quote by Alan Turing, the father of modern computers. “You like strawberries. I hate ice-skating. You cry at sad films. I like ice cream. What is the point of different tastes, different preferences if not to say that our brains work differently, that we think differently. And if we can say that about one another why can’t we say the same for brains made of copper and metal?” This is a good argument in favour of machine thinking. I agree with Dr. Turing that whether machines can think is a stupid question. Of course, they can think.

If our thinking machines gained sentience, a few problems may arise. Do they receive the same basic human rights that we do? Do they have to obey humans? Would these sentient machines be allowed to do any job they wanted to? These kinds of questions have yet to be answered fully. If the machines do have to obey humans than people are already assuming, they are the superior race. If one were to deny the machines the opportunity to get a job as a teacher or other jobs to have some humans always in the field this too would be an example of favouring or giving privilege to one form of life. It is obvious that denying at least the basic human rights is also favouring the human species.

To end specism towards machines in the future it would need humans to relinquish their control over them completely, and this is not something I can imagine anyone doing at all. Imagine you have a calculator that is sentient, and you want it to do 345*746 but it tells you it does not feel like doing that. You would likely decommission this calculator or find another one. Decommissioning this calculator could be considered murder even though most people would think otherwise. Similarly, if sentient androids were walking down a street and it did not do what someone told it to do, people would smash it to bits, which is also a form of murder, but once again most people would not consider this murder at all.

Given how current racism is addressed and treated it is highly likely this attitude will carry over for machines, and history will repeat itself. However, I hope that we have progressed far enough to solve that problem before it occurs by solving the current issues plaguing our society. 

Pandemic Campus Status: Phase Blue 

Pandemic Campus Status: Phase Blue 

By Ronnie Neiman

Even before the influx of COVID-19 cases in Brandon, the university made the decision to make the wearing of masks in campus buildings mandatory. Each building is covered with posters that are stating this fact. Wearing masks is part of the help to reduce viral transmission and to keep each other safe. Brandon University requires that everyone will be wearing a face mask whenever indoors on campus, especially when you could be in the company of other people. 

Cloth, reusable masks will be made available to all faculty and staff, as well as students required to be on campus. Masks will be distributed by the Deans/Directors. Despite the benefit of wearing masks to prevent transmission, physical distancing should still be practiced by all on campus. To keep apart at least a distance of 2 meters. Also wash your hands as often as possible and use hand sanitizer. 

There are arrow stickers on the floor of campus buildings, helping to indicate ways to create physical distancing. Not all buildings will be immediately accessible to students but can be made available after speaking to the dean and/or director of that building. 

Faculty and Staff have also made changes to accommodate the unique situation by making their classes and services available in a more digitally focused format. Zoom and Microsoft teams are the mediums of choice. Most of the classes offered at Brandon University this semester is offered only online but a number of labs are required to be done in person on campus. 

Going to school, even with these precautions, is still frightening. The university continues to  offer services to students such as writing and math peer tutors, and counselling. Good luck to you all this semester and remember to stay safe.

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Website Manager 

The Board of Directors and executive staff of The Quill are actively seeking candidates for the position of Website Manager for the 2020/2021 academic year. The Website Manager is responsible for overseeing The Quill’s website and online presence. Duties include posting edited articles to the website on a weekly basis as well as managing The Quill’s online surveys. The Website Manager will also write an online exclusive article every week and work to promote The Quill’s digital presence. The successful candidate will possess some experience in website design and development. 

This is a casual, paid position. The current renumeration for the Website Manager is $150.00 a month from September 1st to April 30th. Individuals interested in applying for the Website Manager position are encouraged to send their resumes and any questions they may have to The Quill’s editorial team at Deadline to apply for the position of Website Manager is March 31st at 4:30 p.m.

Now Hiring!

Looking for an exciting an rewarding job on campus?

The Quill is currently seeking candidates for the position of Advertisement Manager. The Advertisement Manager is responsible for actively seeking and establishing connections with the local business community. The Advertisement Manager will fully explain the benefits and opportunities of advertising with The Quill to all perspective organizations and work towards securing advertisement sales for the newspaper. The ideal candidate will have excellent communication skills and have experience in sales. 

This is a casual, paid position. The Advertisement Manager will make a 15% commission based on the total advertising fee for any contracts they secure. The successful candidate must be able to start as soon as possible. There is no deadline associated with this job advertisement as the position will remain open until filled. 

To apply please send your resume and any questions you may have to The Quill’s editorial team at 

 Pop culture references aside, this time of year is when Homecoming happens at the university, and boy is it an exciting time for alumni. People of various ages are coming back to see how things have changed and get nostalgic and maybe have their jaws drop when they realize a coffee shop now replaces the SUDS bar. But hey, if the alumni want some Bailey’s in their coffee, no problem, they’ve got you covered.

 Homecoming is an important time of year for many, because it means going back a reliving fond memories from years ago, and taking in all the beauty of their surroundings and appreciating the opportunity to see it all again. There’s opportunities to revisit old friends and share stories of what’s happened in the years that have gone by since they left here, and the opportunity to make some new ones and learn lots about the people who work hard to make sure students like myself get the best help and education possible.

 For some, it’s a chance to catch up and rekindle friendships hidden away by time, and for others old rivalries will flare as they discuss whose sports predictions have been right and wrong for the Stanley Cup or Super Bowl for the past years, or to get into heated debates about who had better outfits, who had the best cars, but all that seems to be overshadowed by the main focus. Coming back to a place where they felt at home. Whether they made a journey hundreds of miles to Canada from another country and came here alone, or if they were like me, just hopping on a bike for 20 minutes to get to their classes, it all seems to be the same for some.

 Some may sit back and enjoy a beer with their fellow sports enthusiasts, while some may share stories of what concerts they’ve been to and the music they listen to, others may brag about careers and money, there’s also the ones who may just discuss the issues facing society currently and go on long winded rants about the problems with the next generations, perhaps there’s a few who might discuss how they wish a fraternity or a sorority had been here while they were attending, or maybe even a small group who just sit down by themselves and grab a coffee and a copy of the Quill, and sit down and get comfortable to enjoy some relaxing time and enjoy the nostalgia.

 Regardless, it’s going to hopefully be a little less snowy outside, because it’s a little too soon for it to be this freezing cold outside where your hands turn more red than a bad sunburn. To those returning for homecoming that happen to be reading this, I hope you have fun and that this homecoming is as good as ever for you. I hope you’re enjoying that coffee as you relax and have some soothing time reading your copy of the paper.

Trump Whistle Blower Situation Rapidly Evolving into Big Problem

45th United States President and business tycoon Donald Trump has been finding himself in a very difficult and tricky situation this past few weeks. By now, most of you have likely heard that Trump’s personal attorney/Nosferatu cosplayer Rudy Giuliani has been under investigation for having helped in a money laundering scheme involving two men from Ukraine, who were arrested after being found with suspicious one-way plane tickets to Ukraine at a New York airport. The two men, according to Trump, are people he had never met before, however photographs of these Men with Giuliani, Donald Trump Jr, and even with Trump and Vice President Mike Pence have surfaced, with some of these photographs being discovered on the Facebook accounts of the two Ukrainian men. The amount of money funneled is said to be between $300,000-$400,000 US.

 Someone with inside information from the Whitehouse has seemingly been giving detrimental bits of information regarding illegal and shady business deals, that could even result in impeachment. The media has been eating this story up, and Trump is locked in an infamous feud with them that seems to be ongoing. “Fake News” is one of those phrases he’s liked to use a lot before, but he’s seemingly shifted towards a new saying which he prefers, “Corrupt Media.”

 The story has gained international attention and is just one of a number of things that has been speculated to become the downfall of Trump and the thing that begins his impeachment. Late night television is something that Trump isn’t a fan of either, and the comedians hosting those shows are no stranger to that. John Oliver of HBO’s Last Week Tonight has been referring to this incident and the Russian hack of the 2016 election as “Stupid Watergate” an obvious reference to the Watergate scandal that saw former US President Richard Nixon on the verge of impeachment, until he resigned. As Oliver describes, Stupid Watergate has all the potential ramifications and consequences of Watergate, but basically everyone involved is stupid, hence the name Stupid Watergate.

 Saturday Night Live kicked off their 45th Season making references to this, and it’s been the topic of discussion, with the often politically centered Cold Opening sketches having had actor Alec Baldwin returning to his mock oval office and toupee with his hilarious impression of Donald Trump. In the premiere, they mocked Rudy Giuliani’s involvement, with Giuliani appearing on CNN discussing sensitive information with Trump over the phone while live on air, and then William Barr and Trump discussing the situation, and even Kim Jog Un, asking for advice. They even Mocked Kanye West, who is a notorious fan of Trump, and showed him with the “Black Wack Adoos Club” alongside Don King with him leaving Trump’s side, due to the impeachment, and to see Terrence Howard on the roof with an umbrella attempting to “Disprove Gravity.” The next week, Ferris Bueller actor Mathew Broderick appeared as Mike Pompeo to discuss the impeachment situation with Mike Pence.

 Trump of course is not happy with the portrayal and as per usual is quick to take to twitter and criticize them and anyone who seems to have anything critical to say about him. If he does get impeached, then being the butt of a few comic’s jokes may be the least of his concerns. There are seemingly two whistle blowers at play here, and Trump is desperate to find the traitors who have been spilling secrets or lies. I’ll leave it up to you to decide what’s real and what’s not, as anything political is something to be taken with a large grain of salt.

 Not only that, but Trump has also been online publicly asking for the assistance of China and Ukraine to investigate Hunter Biden, the son of former Vice President and Democratic Party frontrunner Joe Biden who Trump has also asked for an investigation into. Initially, the whistleblower had mentioned a phone call that took place in July of this year where Trump had called the Prime Minister of Ukraine to ask for assistance in investigating Biden. He requested that the PM discuss the matters with Rudy Giuliani and William Barr.

 The events were later confirmed by a transcript of the phone call released by the Whitehouse, although it was non-verbatim, so not word for word, summarizing what was said. Since them, it’s been defensive comment after defensive comment. Trump had this to say about the initial phone call:

             “We don't want our people like Vice President Biden and his son [contributing] to the corruption already in the Ukraine.”

 While it’s unknown how long it could take for the events to snowball into an impeachment hearing, this is just one of many scandals that the president has been seemingly caught in the middle of. Whether he’s guilty or not, an investigation will likely take place to see what exactly has taken place, and though things have looked like the would end badly for the President in the Past, now he’s probably going to be in more hot water than before. Whether or not he ends up being impeached, resigning or being beaten in the upcoming election remains to be seen. Until then, he’s once again front and center on the world’s stage, waiting for the next attack on him.

Remembering Our Angels And Increasing Pregnancy Loss Awareness

Tens of thousands of families all over the world are devastated each year by the death of their baby. The grief of these families and the value of their babies’ lives are very rarely acknowledged. In 1988, US President Ronald Reagan declared October as a month to recognize the unique grief of bereaved parents in an effort to demonstrate support to the many families who have suffered such a tragic loss. Promoting awareness of pregnancy and infant loss not only increases the likelihood that grieving families will receive understanding and support, but also results in improved education and prevention efforts which may ultimately reduce the incidence of these tragedies. While that was in the States, in Canada, we have legislation as part of the legislation in 2008.

The Legislative Assembly of Manitoba created Bill 226. This bill proclaims October 15 in each year as "Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day".

In Manitoba, the not for profit organization Manitoba Angel Dresses aims to help these grieving parents and families by donating hand sewn gowns, bonnets (which are either sewn or knitted), a blanket, and a keepsake for the parents to remember the small life that was lost much too soon.   

Photo Credit: Kelly Michaluk

The effects of loss are variable for each individual and family unit who experiences bereavement; common effects include, however are not limited to: depression, anxiety, changes in relationships, development of unhealthy coping mechanisms, and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. These effects, amongst others, are often underestimated, misunderstood, and otherwise overlooked by health care professionals, friends, and even family members, especially when concerning pregnancy loss related bereavement and subsequent grief.

Photo Credit: Henrik langer

The Manitoba Angel Dresses are holding three information booths before the new year. The first one will be October 19th, followed by one on November 29th and December 9th at the Shoppers mall here in Brandon. The booth will be open between 10am and 5pm. It will also be fundraising through their Angel Dresses Calendars, which can be bought for $10. The calendars showcase the amazing talents and dedication of the volunteers. 

Any questions can be asked at these booths and if you wish to volunteer for the organization, you can fill out a form at the booth or the information can be discovered at their website or Facebook page. 

@manitobaangeldresses for Facebook 

Mid-October Snow Storm

Thanksgiving weekend certainly started out interestingly with Brandon’s first snowfall… which turned into a storm rather quickly. 

On Wednesday, a Colorado low-weather system moved into Manitoba from the United States. It has wreaked havoc by downing power lines and tree limbs across the province, from the southwest corner into the Red River Valley and northwest toward Berens River and into Saskatchewan. Meanwhile Brandon didn’t get hit by the worse of the storm until Friday. 

Before that we only had a little snow that barely covered the still very green grass. Now, on Monday October 15th, Thanksgiving Day, we have a thick layer of snow covering our lawns and roads.   

pc: cbc news

Power outages across Manitoba became an issue through out the storm and still is in some areas. Despite the efforts by Manitoba Hydro, the number of customers without power was up and down Friday. By 7 p.m. Friday night, Manitoba Hydro reported almost 50,000 customers were in the dark with roughly 14,000 outages in Winnipeg alone. That's as wet snow and gusty winds take a toll on tree branches and the powerlines. 

Brandon wasn’t as badly affected as the Winnipeg area. The state of emergency declared Saturday by the Premier, allows Manitoba Hydro to invoke its ‘mutual aid’ agreements with neighbouring Canadian and U.S. utilities for support and additional materials such as poles, overhead wires, and equipment. This is the first time Manitoba Hydro has asked for mutual aid from other utilities and it is an indication of the unprecedented level of damage crews are discovering as they gain access to impacted areas of the province. The storm conditions also made it difficult for hydro workers to get to the areas affected. 

The snow wasn’t easy to clear either. Interestingly enough, if it had been minus 20 degrees, the snow would have been easier to clear by plow but the weather over the past few days has been quite warm, just above or just below freezing which made the snow wet and dropping in clumps. 

Water levels on Manitoba's Red River have been rising on both sides of the Canada and U.S. border and are now higher than they have been since record keeping began back in 1971. For the first time ever in the fall season, the Red River Floodway has been put into use with the heavy rainfall amounts expected through the weekend and into the week.  

pc: kai neiman

This unusual early winter storm has created a number of issues and closed almost all highways but by Thanksgiving many highways have reopened, roads have been plowed and many have had their power restored. 

And that is something to truly be thankful for. 

Town Hall

Calling all students!  Calling all students! Today from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. a town hall will be hosted on campus. Here, students and faculty have the opportunity to meet and greet the candidates that are running in this years federal election for the riding of Brandon-Souris. As many of you may have noticed, the federal riding that Brandon belongs to is far larger than our provincial ridings. Indeed, there are three different ridings covering Brandon and the surrounding area in provincial politics but only one when it comes to federal affairs. The riding of Brandon-Souris is quite large, especially when compared to the size of ridings found in Winnipeg and the Greater Toronto Area. However, despite its large size, the riding of Brandon-Souris has only around 60,000 eligible voters. As university students, many of you are included in that 60,000. It is fundamentally important to vote, either on election day or at one of the advance polls. However, voting should not be some menial task where you close your eyes and pick a candidate randomly. Voters should be educated on what each party and candidate stands for, as well as what they plan to do should they be elected. This town hall presents a perfect opportunity to get out and meet your local candidates. Below are a few summarized details about each candidate for the riding of Brandon-Souris in the 2019 Federal Election. 

Larry Maguire is the incumbent Member of Parliament for Brandon-Souris and represents the Conservative Party of Canada. He was first elected in a by-election in November 2013 and was elected to Parliament in the federal election of October 2015. Larry grew up in Souris and has lived in the Westman riding ever since. He holds a Diploma in Agriculture from the University of Manitoba and comes from a farming background. Some important priorities for Larry and the Conservative Party, should they get elected, include repealing the carbon tax, removing GST off home heating bills, enhancing Registered Education Savings Plans and tackling rural area crime. 

The Liberal Party of Canada has chosen Terry Hayward to run with their banner in the riding of Brandon-Souris. Terry was born and raised in Brandon and graduated from Harrison High School. He has been in the agriculture industry for over 35 years. During that time, he served in the public eye as a Canadian diplomat in both the United States and New Zealand. For Terry Hayward and the Liberal Party of Canada, its all about the middle class. If elected, they plan to straighten gun control by banning assault style weapons in Canada. Other priorities include fighting climate change by planting two billion trees and banning single use plastics as well as attracting clean technology companies. 

Many students in Brandon have come to support the NDP. The New Democratic Party has selected Ashley Duguay as their 2019 candidate. Ashley grew up in a military household and traveled across the country. If elected as Member of Parliament for Brandon-Souris she plans to fight for a minimum wage of $15.00 an hour. Other priorities include a universal pharmacare program, where the cost of prescription drugs is fully covered by the federal government. Ashley believes that medications are fundamental to the well-being of Canadians and therefore should be the responsibility of the government, not the average consumer, to cover the cost. 

With the increased attention on environmental policies, it comes at no surprise that the Green Party of Canada is gaining support across the nation. Here in Brandon-Souris, the Green Party has selected Bill Thiessen as their 2019 candidate. Bill and the Green Party  are fundamentally focused on combating climate change. They want to move Canada away from fossil fuel dependence. If elected, they will lower the voting age to 16 years old, mandate that public interest comes before government confidentiality and eliminate the first past the post electoral system. Other priorities include implementing a committee to review Member of Parliament’s salaries and budgets.

A relatively new party, the Peoples Party of Canada was founded by former Conservative MP and federal minister Maxime Bernier. Tabling a more populist platform, the Peoples Party is seen as an alternative to the Conservative Party. Rob Lussier is the 2019 candidate for Brandon-Souris. Rob was born in Winnipeg but was raised in Nanaimo, British Columbia. Ever since the age of 13 Rob has been involved in the army. He ended his military career in Shilo as the commanding officer of 2520 RCACC after 32 years of service. Rob and the Peoples Party want to reduce immigration levels and focus on skilled immigrants if elected. Other priorities include ending official multiculturalism and supporting the veterans. 

The Christian Heritage Party is also running a candidate in Brandon-Souris for the 2019 federal election. Rebecca Hein is the local candidate and has been involved in politics since an early age. She even served as the volunteer coordinator for a federal election campaign back in 2015. If elected, Rebecca is elected she plans to fight the carbon tax and defund the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. She also would want to see abortion delegalized and freedom of speech rights increased. The Canadian Heritage party is also planning on replacing the Indian Act is elected. 

Finally, there are also two independent candidates running for the federal seat of Brandon-Souris. They are Robert Eastcott and Vanessa Hamilton. Rob is running as an independent candidate because he believes the people of the riding deserve change. 

Vanessa is a former city councillor. She’s no stranger to politics and says she is running as an independent because the majority of Canadians do not belong to a federal party. She believes an experienced, independent voice is needed here. 

The town hall will be held today (Tuesday, October 15th) in Harvest Hall from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. There is no charge to attend the town hall, meaning we have no excuse to not get politically involved in our community!