US President and First Lady Test Positive for COVID-19

US President and First Lady Test Positive for COVID-19

By Zach Roozendaal

In the year of 2020, many notable figures have come down with COVID-19, from athletes like Rudy Gobert of the Utah Jazz, to actors like Tom Hanks and Idris Elba. Even key political figures and world leaders, such as our Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his wife Sophie, and UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

And with the USA being a COVID-19 hotspot for many months, one could only hope for the safety of the citizens within its borders. Even the president himself did seem to have anxiety about getting the virus himself, and early this morning, the announcement was made via the official twitter account of Donald Trump himself, that he and First Lady Melania Trump had officially tested positive for COVID-19.

As mentioned before, Trump is certainly not the first world leader to have contracted the virus, however due to his age, it’s a significant concern that it may seriously affect his health. To some, they might tell you that this is karma exacting its toll on him for not taking more precautions, for others it’s just an unfortunate turn of events, but Donald mentioned in the post that he doesn’t intend to let this be the end for him.

Now I’d like to point out right now that normally, especially within the past year or so, I’ve tried to take more of a neutral stance politically, as I see both sides as being flawed and both hypocritical and quick to believe anything that panders to their views without showing scepticism.

But regardless of political beliefs, wealth, or religious views, everyone is human, and to say that it’s a good thing that he has Coronavirus isn’t okay. He is still a person, maybe one I don’t agree with on everything, but that doesn’t make him any less of a human being. He may not be everyone’s favourite person, but to wish something like this on him isn’t anymore okay than some of the negative things he’s done.

By no means am I saying I support him, but I don’t like seeing people in pain or suffering, even if they’re republicans backed by controversial groups. People are people, there is no red or blue states, just the people who live there and call it home. Not everyone will agree on everything, but I think we can all agree that hopefully like lots of people, he and his family will be okay.

Senior Whitehouse Aide Hope Hicks had come down with the virus, and shortly thereafter Donald Trump did too. He is now set to spend a few days at a military hospital. He is currently fatigued and has taken an experimental antibody injection, according to Trump’s doctor. The Whitehouse has said that the visit is simply a precautionary one. He is staying at the Walter Reed National Military Hospital, which has been equipped with a specialized office space for the president to go about his many tasks.

In a short video taped before departing via helicopter to the hospital, Trump gave the following statement:

            "I think I'm doing very well, but we're going to make sure that things work out."

The United States has been criticized for its handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, with many saying that the necessary precautions weren’t taken and the rules weren’t strict enough, even stating that the divisiveness over mandatory mask policies, social distancing and staying at home wasn’t taken seriously by officials, and even giving into threats and bribes from people like Elon Musk, the Tesla CEO and billionaire who threatened legal action and to pull all Tesla production from the state of California if the precautions weren’t lifted by the state government. Easy for him to say, while he sits in his rocket with his rich friends ready to go to Mars.

 In any case, Donald and Melania are doing their best to make it through it, and although to some it’s an opportunity in their eyes to make jokes or even point out the irony of the situation, for this journalist, all I wish is to see that him and his family are safe and healthy, even though I’m not much of a fan of his campaign or policies.

Stay safe out there, and take care of each other, and remember to practice social distancing, frequent hand washing and hand sanitizer use, abide by mask policies, and to stay home and get tested if you even feel slightly unwell. I’ll leave you all with one last thought.

Good isn’t something a person is, it’s something they do.

Until then, I’m Zach Roozendaal, signing off.

Goodbye for now.