Code Red 

Code Red 

By: Kiersten Garbutt 

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With the increased number of positive Covid cases in Manitoba, we should take some time to remind ourselves about proper social distancing methods. We know that all of Manitoba has entered code red and we all need to be extra careful. Remember that code red entails mandatory masks in all public places and your ‘bubble’ should only consist of people living in your household. Remember that going out is not a need. 

Masks are a crucial step in lowering your chances of spreading the virus. Remember that the mask will not necessarily keep you safe from others that do not wear a mask, but they will protect others around you! Do not be selfish and protect the community! You never know who is more prone to getting the virus so it’s better to be safer than sorry. Plus, you can get a mask anywhere nowadays and you can find lots of different fun patterns. 

A little reminder to stay six feet away from people that have not been in your bubble. The only way we are going to get through this virus is by being kind and working together as a community. Your decisions do affect others drastically. 

Also, it is important to note that if you are a potential Covid case, you have been told to stay home by public health officials, you go over the limit for public gatherings, or refuse to wear a mask you can get fined up to $1296. So stay safe and stay home!