(Ashlyn Pearce/The Quill)
As the term starts wrapping up, the Student Union council is also starting to slow down in preparation for the holidays.
As of the recent meeting the resignation of Armando Galindo was officially accepted which leaves the position of Residence Director vacant. The runner up from the previous election, Kristin Smart, was contacted about the position however she turned it down. This position, along with all other vacant positions, will be advertised in the next term. If any student wishes to apply for them they should contact BUSU President Nick Brown for more information.
Vice President External Mohammed Agavi notified council at this time that he is encouraging students to form and apply for club status and to apply for club funding. As of this meeting nearly 75% of the available funding for clubs for the 2017-18 year was still available.
Students should be aware that the Annual General Meeting for the Fall term will be taking place on December 5th in Harvest Hall during the free slot. Popcorn and fruit will be available for all in attendance. Students were able to submit motions for this meeting up to midnight on November 27th.
The next regular BUSU Council meeting will take place on December 7th at 4:30PM rather than the regular 6:00PM. This is due to the meeting occurring after the last day of classes. There has not yet been an announcement on the meeting dates or times for the meetings taking place in the Winter term.