Q-Mail: Quinitilius vs. New Year's Resolutions

Dear Quintilius,
This is my year, I can just feel it. I’m going to totally change and just be this super healthy and positive person, I would just like some advice on how to follow through on a New Years resolution?
Sincerely The Pursuit of Happiness



Dear Sycophant,

Ah, I see you are a resolutioner, someone who changes something about themselves by using the New Year as a justification. May I ask why, if there was something you were unhappy with, did you not change your habits until now? Does having to absent-mindedly fill out cheques dated with the wrong year for three months somehow remind you to be a better person?

You do not need the New Year to change who you are. You don’t need anyone or anything to make a firm change in your life other than will power and discipline. Literally nothing will change in your day-to-day life unless you start actually working on it. I think the New Year should be a time to reflect on our year while also reevaluating our purposes and goals.

If you want to be super healthy, reflect on what you did last year that was so abysmal that it hurt your body or made you unhealthy. If you want to be super positive, look at what made you cynical or negative. I believe it’s also important to fill out your why, defining your reasoning behind your goals and actions.

Take your holidays to really define yourself and sort out who you are. If you want to follow through on some sort of resolution in your life, look first for the reason, then reflect on the past shortcomings and finally take action.


All Salute The Eternal City,

Qunitilius of Rome


Rocket Game Corner: New Year, New Goals

I don’t make resolutions any more. I never follow through with them and then I feel bad. Instead, I set myself loose goals. These are things that I use to motivate myself towards getting shit done. This year’s goals include finishing a game for each system that my Nerdboy and I own.

Guys. I didn’t realize how many systems we own. There are 17 of them. I think I done goofed. Here’s a look at what the first half of my year will be like:

January: I hope to knock out my games for the 3DS and the SNES Classic. For the 3DS, I’m going to be playing Pokemon Ultra Moon and also Pokemon X, because it’s Pokemon. It won’t take a super long time. For the SNES, I’ll be playing Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past on the recommendation of Nerdboy.

February: For the shortest month of the year, I’m going to finish Pokemon Colloseum for the Nintendo GameCube, and replay Hamtaro: Ham-Ham Heartbreak for the GameBoy Advance (don’t judge me. It’s cute and fun). 

March: I’m going to be working on my N64 contribution to this goal, which is most likely going to be yet another playthrough of Mario Party 3. If I have time, I’ll also be playing Pokemon Red for the GameBoy Colour.

April: For the PlayStation, I’ll be taking on Tekken 3, and most likely continuing The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD on the WiiU.

May: I’ll be celebrating my 27th birthday by playing Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets for the PlayStation2.

June: I think I’ll round out the first half of the year by playing Life Is Strange: Before the Storm for the PS4.

In the first six months of 2018, I plan on playing eleven games on ten different systems. Will I be able to actually finish them all in the amount of time I’ve given myself? I hope so. Will I increase my goal if I make it? Not a chance.

Over the summer, you’ll be able to find me taking on Assassin’s Creed 2 on the XBox 360 and Ni no Kuni: The Wrath of the White Witch for PS3, most likely.