A New Semester; BUSU Continues to Help Students  

A New Semester; BUSU Continues to Help Students  

by Ronnie Neiman

Editor in Chief

Brandon University Student Union has been around for a long time. It has helped students at the university to access various resources in and around the university. As orientation for the winter semester began and classes started, BUSU was set up to greet students to give out help as needed. They give out information on the various resources and services that they can help to provide.

Some of these services include:

Health And Dental

Grocery Program



Space & Items Bookings

Lost And Found

Paw Pass




Gender Neutral Restroom Locations

Travel & Conference Fund

You can just go to their website: busu.ca to find these resources, They link to other websites, including Brandon University’s website. It is also a good place to access the Health and Dental Plan. 

If you need any extra guidance, go see them at their office in the KDC building!