Its Christmas Time

Its Christmas Time

By Ronnie Neiman

It is now December and despite the anxiety and stress related to final exams approaching, it is also a time to celebrate. It is after all the Christmas holidays. Not everyone celebrates Christmas itself, either due to cultural, religious or personal reasons, so perhaps looks at this time as a way to celebrate getting through your finals or a time to take a break from university. 

The holidays break starts officially on December 23rd, 2022. You’ll be done with your classes of the fall semester the day before and you’ll be free to do what you choose during the university break. The break ends on January 2nd in the new year. The University will re-open for employees and student services on Tuesday, January 3, 2023, which is also Winter Orientation for new students. The first day for most classes will be Wednesday, January 4, 2023.

If you are staying in Residence at the university over the holidays, then be sure to attend the holiday luncheon at Harvest Hall December 16th at noon to 1:30 pm. Be sure to have your tickets ready. The luncheon is a great way to socialize with your dorm-mates at the university. 

Have a great holiday!