Studying for End of Term Exams

Studying for End of Term Exams

by Ronnie Kayla Neiman

It is time to prepare for your final exams once again, and for another year, a majority of exams are being done online in order to keep social distancing. It can be difficult to study for an exam on a so-called normal year but it can certainly be even more so when everything, or close to everything has been done online. 

There are not too many options for in-person study sessions, unless you happen to live with others who are taking the same class. Not too many have that option. Some can choose to do an online study session where you can bounce ideas, questions and notes back and forth. Studying is defined as reading carefully with the intent to remember. However, it can also be attributed to writing as well. 

Studying in a group allows students to see different perspectives and possibly learn study habits. It can also be a lot easier to ask a question in a small group or when emailing classmates and/or instructors. 

Even if you decide to study on your own, be sure to bounce your information off of someone else, either a person you live with, or over an online format, video or chat. Studying is a commitment, so when you study, be sure to actually study. It can be quite easy to become distracted, so be sure to take breaks. 

Several tips on how to study when alone, or in a group, in whichever medium is available to you;

  • Write point form important information

  • Highlight keywords your instructor has mentioned frequently

  • Write or type out questions related to your subject

  • Ask yourself questions out loud (even if you are alone)— It helps!

  • Create mock exams for yourself

  • Email your instructor if you have any information you need clarified

Stay calm and don’t panic! Study well and you will do great!