Holiday Movies That Aren’t Really Holiday Movies

Holiday Movies That Aren’t Really Holiday Movies

By Cedric Bell

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Holiday movies are hard to make suggestions about, because lists usually consist of the same couple of movies because there aren’t that many, and even fewer that stand the test of time and remain rewatchable year after year. That is why, instead of suggesting holiday movies, I will be suggesting holiday movies that people generally don’t consider holiday movies that actually are, at least in some sense. 

Die Hard

The status of Die Hard as a holiday movie is still often debated. Many people think it counts, and many people don’t. I for one champion it as a holiday movie, mostly so that I have a chance to watch Die Hard again every year. What often gets lost in the debate about Die Hard is that it is a really, really good movie. The action is special because it’s exciting but still believable and relies more on smarts than big set pieces. It also has some great performances and is a really fun movie overall.

The Nightmare Before Christmas

This one is also hotly debated because of its clashing settings. Is it a Christmas movie, or a Halloween movie? Is it both, or neither? The answer to that is; yes. The Nightmare Before Christmas is a great animated movie full of fun characters, great songs and captivating stop motion animation.


Gremlins is more of a horror comedy than a holiday movie, but it takes place around the holidays, so it counts. It has some really funny and disturbing scenes, an interesting premise, and while it often gets left out of holiday movie discourse, it is a great holiday movie.

Edward Scissorhands

This is one of those holiday movies that because of the subject matter, it is easy to forget it takes place around the holidays entirely. Still, it is a great movie with a lot of visual style, a truly original story, and a great gothic theme that differentiates it from a lot of holiday movies out there.

The Harry Potter Series

The Harry Potter movies are never really considered holiday movies, but there are multiple christmas scenes throughout that suggest they should be considered holiday movies. The early ones especially are pretty upbeat and festive, and are fan favorites for a reason.

Home Alone

Home alone takes place over the holidays and has a lot of Christmas iconography, so why isn’t it considered a holiday movie by some? Maybe because it’s more about a child defending his home with vicious booby traps than about holiday cheer. Still, it is a really fun movie with a lot of heart, and stands as one of my favourite mostly unofficial holiday movies, and one of my favorite movies in general.