Holiday Decoration Pet Peeve

Holiday Decoration Pet Peeve

By Ronnie Kayla Neiman

Decorating for a holiday can be quite a bit if fun no matter a person’s age. Even if untangling certain lights from their storage bin can be immensely frustrating. Each holiday comes with its own commercialization. Christmas has its origins in various religion ideologies but many now associate it with red and green decorations, gingerbread houses and stuffing yourself at family dinners. 

Valentines’ day is no different. The holiday named after a saint is a holiday meant to celebrate peoples loves. However, the commercialization of the holiday means candy, flowers, Valentines cards and everything is decorated in red. Some mild decoration and a bit of candy isn’t the worst. It doesn’t go overboard. 

Though going into a store to get some candy that most stores only sell during this time of the year and seeing to only an aisle full of Valentine’s Day decorations, candies and other related items right across from an aisle full of decorations, chocolates and toys for the upcoming Easter holiday was a bit of an annoyance. Valentines’ day was a few weeks ago when this trip to the store was made. It wasn’t even close to March, let alone close to easter.

It is fun to get the candy sometimes, but it is overwhelming to have decorations for two holidays weeks apart is overwhelming. Mostly it’s just annoying. One holiday at a time would be nice. It would allow people to focus on one holiday at a time. Having the themed commercialization and activities related to the holiday being the focus would go a long way to avoid the annoyance felt by people (including myself). One holiday at a time.