PS5 or Xbox Series X, which one to buy?

PS5 or Xbox Series X, which one to buy?

Hashim Farooq

Both Sony and Microsoft have been dominating the video console “game” for the last decade. Arguments always erupt when choosing the “better” console. There are many factors that people look at when deciding the “better” console; User interface, price, console specific games, power, speed and overall performance of the consoles.  Many of the consumers of video game consoles tend to choose preference on previous consoles owned and their loyalty, this is due to the business scheme of Microsoft and Sony. Microsoft has adopted their own environment (similar to what Apple has done), where owning an Xbox fits in with Microsoft services and allows you to play your Xbox games on your windows computer, this gives Microsoft a big advantage. This is where Sony has sort of a disadvantage, all of Sony’s attempts at building an environment have failed, but Sony has made up for that with their huge fanbase and their PS3 (one of the most sold consoles of all time) which allowed users to play video games online without a subscription (unlike Xbox). When the PS4 was released Sony opted for the subscription method (as it would make them more money). Now with the release of the Xbox Series X and PS5 in November the two pretty evenly matched, or are they? Let’s compare. 

Starting off with the Xbox Series X and Series S, that’s right Xbox released two new consoles. It seems like Microsoft is taking tips from Apple and Samsung as they built a cheaper more affordable version of their new flagship console, the Series S. Sony has also released two new consoles, the PS5 and PS5 digital edition. There isn’t much of a difference other than the optical drive and their difference in price; which is only expected to be around $100. All of these consoles have similar performance and speed, where they differ is the user interface, portability, resolution, price, and graphics. Right now, it’s hard to tell which console is going to be “better” based on what we know so far. 

Choosing which console to buy is based on you, do you prefer a cheaper console? Then the Xbox Series S is for you, do you prefer 4k and better graphics? Then the PS5 and Xbox series X are for you. When it comes down to it price, games available and user interface play a big role in choosing the perfect console, but loyalty is the protagonist. 

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