Christmas On A Budget

First term is finally coming to an end and after exams are done, we can finally look forward to our holiday break. Christmas is fast approaching and with it the stressful decisions that surround Christmas shopping. How much to spend on each family member? What to get them? Should you even get them a Christmas present? All of these questions plague our minds as we try to study for our finals. Christmas is expensive and families should discuss how the gift exchange will take place. Whether it’s a secret Santa situation or getting everyone in your family a gift that is under $50.00 it should be discussed at least two weeks prior to Christmas so that you can have enough time to get what you need. Being a university student is not a cheap endeavour and if you only have to shop for one person that is great news for you and your pocket. However, if you are stuck having to buy more than one Christmas gift this year here are a few suggestions that are guaranteed to not break the bank. 

-Set a budget for yourself

Whether you have to buy for multiple friends/family or just one individual, setting a budget for yourself is extremely important. Make a list of everybody you need to shop for and decide the amount you want to spend on each. It can be the same for all or more for others. This will help to keep you in check as you look for the perfect gift. Sticking to the budget is important as you don’t want to spend more than you previously decided. 

-Amazon Prime it

If you love online shopping the obvious choice is Amazon. Amazon has a huge selection of gifts at various price tags. You can search for the price range you need and thousands of gift ideas will be available to you. If you do not have Amazon prime and you are cutting it close to Christmas simply get the month free trial and then choose whether you want to renew it or not once the trial runs out. Amazon Prime ensures the present will be delivered on time before xmas. 


If you do not like online shopping and would like to gift unique and special presents, look no further than Pinterest. Pinterest has a ton of craft ideas that would make an incredible and unforgettable Christmas present. If you like arts and crafts and do not doubt your creative abilities give this a shot as it will be much cheaper than anything you can buy. Of course, Pinterest isn’t the only website you can get ideas from a simple google search will give you many websites to choose from and something is bound to catch you eye. 

-Look for the sales!

Christmas is the time when many stores try to lure customers with great deals. If you do not have time to online shop and if you can’t make anything then try hitting up a few stores and seeing if they have any deals going on. Always be sure to read the sale signs and make sure that the incredible gift you picked up is indeed on sale. 

-Go thrifting

During the Christmas season a lot of people purge their closets and their homes and donate those items to local charities or to thrift stores. This means that thrift stores will have more stock and you may be able to find something unique at a very good price. You can often find collectables, antique items, clothing or even furniture from these locations. They are often incredibly cheap and you will be able to get more out of your money if you choose to shop this way. 

-If all else fails gift a gift card

If you are really running out of time and can’t find anything that fits your budget or that impresses you enough to gift, gift them with a gift card. Gift cards are easy, fast and you can set the price. Whether its to their favourite store or coffee place, gifting a gift card removes any stress of choosing wrong and gives the person the freedom to choose what the want. 

Christmas is a wonderful time where we get to enjoy the company of those close to us and the peace and calm of no school. If you can’t afford to gift those you wish to give something remember that Christmas is not only about presents and spending money, but also about spending time with family members you haven’t seen in a while and eating delicious home made meals.