Brandon University Acknowledgement Of Service: Honor Roll

Brandon University proudly marked the Armistice Day centennial, which ended the First World War, by encouraging people to reflect and remember those who went off to fight by hoisting an Honor Roll with members from Brandon College who served in the war. The display is available for viewing in the Brandon College Alcove located on the second floor of the John E. Robbins Library.

The original Honor Roll was unveiled in the College Chapel in 1915 and an extra smaller Honor Roll is displayed alongside it as a continuation of the list. Both documents note the Brandon College students who served and/or were killed, wounded, gassed or imprisoned during the First World War. 

The Honor Roll was left incomplete for almost 100 years and was re-created by Suyoko Tsukamoto as part of her Brandon College & Great War Exhibit on display in 2014. The updated list contains the names of over 500 students, staff and alumni who have been identified in the proper paper work as participants in the First World War. 57 of the students and alumni have been identified as having died while in service.

The updated Brandon College Nominal Roll is on permanent display in the Brandon College Portrait Gallery in the North Stacks of the John E. Robbins Library. To honour the fallen, the library has included a display portion of its collection of books related to the First World War. The books are on display near the circulation desk. All who go are encouraged to pause at these displays and reflect on the sacrifices made by those who serve their country in the armed forces, whether a century ago or continuing today.

Another great place to pay respects and get some further information on the CAF in the community include the 26th Field Regiment RCA/XII Manitoba Dragoons Museum on Victoria street or the Royal Canadian Artillery Museum in Shilo. There are Gunners throughout the community who would love to help people understand the military and what it is they do and why they do it, why they’ve done it and why they would gladly do it again in service for their country.