Try It For Free Week At The HLC

 Last week gave citizens of Brandon an extra advantage if they were looking to get active. From September 9th through to September 16th the Healthy Living Centre hosted its Try It For Free week. The Healthy Living Centre is Brandon University's Physical Education and athletics building. It also happens to be one of the newest and largest buildings on the campus. The Healthy Living Centre has over 79,000 square feet of space committed to healthy living and an active lifestyle. The centre includes an indoor walking track that spans 1 kilometer as well as a fully equipped fitness centre. A large open green space is, of course, also part of the facility as well as a mezzanine and two classrooms used in the physical education programs. Finally, the Healthy Living Centre also includes three gymnasiums. The HLC north gym and the HLC south gym are separated from each other by a full screen curtain. The Henry Champ Gymnasium is largest gym and plays host to a variety of events throughout the year. 

For a whole week BU staff and alumni as well as members of the general public had the opportunity to experience everything the Healthy Living Centre had to offer, for absolutely nothing. This means that the indoor walking track, the fitness centre and all gymnasiums were open to public use. However, it wasn't just the facilities that were open to the public for free last week. The Healthy Living Centre also offered their recreational programs to attendees, free of charge. Brandon University has a wide and diverse variety of recreational programs. Some of the programs offered last week included Yoga flow, Zumba and Floorball Leagues. 

If you are a student at Brandon University a fitness fee is included in your tuition therefore the Healthy Living Centre and its facilities are open to you year round. However, it should be noted that, like all individuals who use the facilities at the Healthy Living Centre, indoor running shoes are required at all times.  If you happen to have spare time or feel like getting into an active lifestyle, head down to the Healthy Living Centre and experience all they have to offer.