Bobcats Volleyball

The volleyball teams were out in Calgary this past weekend to play against the Mount Royal University Cougars. Both men’s and women’s teams worked hard but were unable to sweep away their competition, only one game of the weekend was won.

In the women’s games they would lose 1-3 sets on Friday and win 3-1 on Saturday. Friday night saw the women on intense battle that would last throughout the weekend. Coming from behind in the first set the Cougars struck with a vengeance as the 3 point lead at 16-13 for the Bobcats quickly turned into a game of cat and mouse with the Cougars winning the set 25-20. Each set would be close during the night but the Bobcats would not be able to push the game to the fifth set, losing in the fourth 25-18. The leaders for the Bobcats would include Nikola Majewski with 13 kills and Michelle Egger with 11 kills. Saturday night was the bounce back for the Bobcats as they would win 3-1.  After an unsuccessful Friday the women were forced to fight hard for their win in order to earn the split of the weekend. The teams were well matched and a lot of the statistics show it was close game but the Bobcats certainly did come out on top with their consistent serving and kills. The games sets are 25-20, 25-16 and 22-25 and 27-25 in favour for the Bobcats and putting them at a record of 2-4.

The men’s volleyball team did not see any wins this weekend except for one set, which contributes to very little in the grand scheme of things. Although most games were within the 20’s and were quite close the Bobcats could not stop the Cougars advance. On Friday night the men were swept 25-23, 25-22 and 25-20, giving the men their first loss of the season. The Bobcats would have fewer kills, aces and assists compared to their opponents, and although the men clearly pushed each game tight with every rally, they were unable to snag a victory. The men were led by Seth Friesen with 10 kills and James Weir and Elliot Viles with 6 kills each. Saturday night the men would start strong and take the first set mixing up their offensive plays with different attack strategies. It would help push them to an early 25-23 victory in the first set but would not help them through the next three. The Bobcats almost doubled the number of errors made by their opponents and struggled with losing 25-23, 25-21 and 25-19. Seth Friesen once again led in kills with a total of 15 followed by Brady Nault and Elliot Viles who each had 13.

The Bobcats next games will be taking place here at the HLC against the University of Calgary Dino’s. The games are scheduled for the women at 11:30a.m. on Friday and 1:15p.m. for the men. If you want to catch up on the latest statistics and information of the Bobcats you can check out their website at Best of luck in your next games!