Plan for Phase GOLD in the Fall

Plan for Phase GOLD in the Fall

by Ronnie Kayla Neiman

Right now, the university is in Phase Grey, even leading into the Spring/Summer semesters. This means that there is a mask requirement, key fob access is required in order to get into buildings for class, and and safe social distancing. 

“Brandon University is focused on providing quality educational experiences in a safe environment. As we navigate the challenges of the ongoing pandemic together, we have outlined three options for greater or looser opening of the campus. These broad phases for safely re-opening campus are an easy-to-understand and flexible framework to guide us as we respond to the ever-changing nature of the pandemic, especially locally.”

It has been strange to go from an online university back to one with in-person capacities, even as limited as they are. 

While there are plans to go into the next phase of reopening the university in September, it is to be done as the situation evolves. Originally during the previous fall, the university had planned to be open for students and staff to be in the classroom, the increase of COVID-19 cases, especially in Brandon, moved the classes back to an online format. It was frustrating for this to change so suddenly, when students were moving back to be near campus. However, this was done withe the safety of the campus, staff and students in mind. 

Phased reopening will move from the most cautious Phase Blue to increasingly more open phases of Phase Grey and Phase Gold. Brandon University continues to have regular dialogue with the Province of Manitoba, especially through the Department of Economic Development and Training, to ensure that our plans continue to meet provincial and federal requirements.

Hopefully, the plans to move towards phase gold will go forward and everyone can start to relearn how to live normally, without the content anxiety of a pandemic. 

As long as phase gold goes forward, below is the list of restrictions that will be part of the phase. 

BU 3: Phase Gold — Some Limitations

In Phase Gold, Brandon University returns to a mainly in-person experience, while continuing to protect our community through increased protective equipment and processes.


Campus open to the public with limitations

Campus open to employees

Campus open to students


Campus facilities open for students, with restrictions

Research access with no limitations

All campus services provided on campus

In-Person Contact

Most employees to work from campus unless ill

In-class learning permitted, subject to public health guidelines (ie. physical distancing)


Masks optional

Additional cleaning and disinfecting required

Travel approved, subject to public health guidelines

BU to Hold In-Person Convocation for Three Years Worth of Grads

BU to Hold In-Person Convocation for Three Years Worth of Grads

By Ronnie Kayla Neiman

The past two years have been a challenge for may reasons. Many normal and common things had to be moved to an online format to keep students, staff and faculty safe.  That included graduation convocation ceremonies. The last two years have held their ceremonies virtually. This coming graduating class will be the first in years to walk across a stage to accept their degrees in person. 

“As the culmination of your academic journey, Convocation is a special and meaningful moment for every student — and my personal favourite university day,” said BU President David Docherty. “I am delighted that, thanks to public health successes like vaccines, we will once again be donning caps and gowns, presenting degree parchments in person, and congratulating each of our grads in person… only this year we’ll still be cautious about hugs and handshakes.”

Convocation 2022 is scheduled for May 26 and 27 this year and has been expanded to four ceremonies. Grads from the Classes of 2020 and 2021, whose ceremonies were held virtually, are also invited back to share in the celebration, and must RSVP as soon as possible. All graduating students from the Class of 2022 should now have submitted their application to graduate. More information about the ceremonies is being regularly posted online at Grads from the Class of 2020 and Class of 2021 must RSVP online to confirm their intent to attend no later than 4:30 p.m. on April 29, 2022. Details are being sent to the email addresses that BU has on file for them, or they can go to

Initially, Brandon University had not told previous graduates this when planning this year’s ceremony. A graduate of 2020 found this out by pure chance during a conversation with former co-workers at the university. He then proceeded to tell his graduating education year through their shared Snapchat group. The initial RSVP for the graduation ceremony went up by 97 students just through that conversation. It was only after this increase in applicants that the university website shared the news about the ceremonies. In fact, the Quill only learned about it two days before the university shared it because the anonymous education student shared the news with us. While the news not being shared with previous graduates during the last few years is a sore spot, it can be understood as trying to limit the amount of people in order to follow health orders. 

What is the most bothersome, especially for previous graduating students in the education department, is that heir ceremony, whilst including 2020 and 2021 graduates, will be on May 26… a Thursday. Many students who have graduated from the education department have gone on to get teaching jobs. A job that has work hours on a Thursday because they are teachers in elementary/middle and high schools. Some may not be able to attend a ceremony they worked hard for because they have their own students expecting them to be there for them.  Is this another attempt by the university to limit the numbers at the in-person ceremonies for public health, or are they just not aware of the problematic timing of that specific convocation ceremony? 

Convocation will be held at the BU Healthy Living Centre, following all public health orders. It is one of the best-ventilated spaces on campus and physical distancing will be followed as much as practical for all participants. Masks will be fully supported and, while capacity is not currently limited in the HLC, the university is asking graduates to limit their guest list to those who are truly closest to them.

Brandon University celebrates Indigenous Excellence

Brandon University celebrates Indigenous Excellence

BU NEWS — March 22, 2022

BRANDON – Brandon University (BU) is hosting a series of online events to mark its annual spring Indigenous Excellence celebration.

The spring season marks a ‘new year’ for Indigenous people, as it is the time of awakening or returning for animals, and the growth of plants and forests. This time of year also brings students, staff, faculty, alumni and the wider community together to learn about Indigenous culture and build relationships.

The events began on Monday with a BU Teaching House gathering focusing on the spring equinox. It was followed on Tuesday with a presentation organized by the IshKaabatens Waasa Gaa Inaabateg Department of Visual Art, featuring visual artist Audie Murray, who discussed her most recent works and methods that explore dreams as research.

Upcoming events include:

Women’s Teachings: Connecting to the Cycle of Life

Thursday, March 24, 1:30 p.m., Heath Studies

Join Cree Grandmother Deborah Tacan and host Karen Batson for a knowledge-sharing session.

Resurgence of Anishinaabe Manoomin Practice

Monday, March 28, 2:30 to 3:30 p.m.

Join BU professor Melody McKiver in a presentation on the resurgence of Anishinaabe manoomin (wild rice) practice.

The Role of Women in Reclaiming Power and Spirit

Wednesday, March 30, 10:40 to 11:30 a.m.

Senator Mary Jane McCallum will discuss the role of women in reclaiming power and spirit as it relates to the creation of Bill S-219, an act respecting a National Ribbon Skirt Day. McCallum will be joined by James Campbell, Director of Parliamentary Affairs for her office, to discuss the process of a bill going through the legislative process.

Paint with Jessie Jannuska

Wednesday, March 6, 7 to 8:30 p.m. and Thursday, April 7, 2 to 4:30 p.m.

Jannuska, a graduate of BU, will present a free family paint activity. Registration is required.

BU CARES Research Centre

BU CARES will be sharing information on its website about research projects and opportunities, including an anti-racism tool kit, the Doc Talks Speaker Series and a podcast.

 Full information on events can be found at

Although most if this year’s gatherings are virtual, event organizers are encouraging everyone to think beyond the screen by sharing with family and friends, and continuing to educate themselves through books, podcasts, films and courses.

Additionally, BU is profiling Indigenous students on its Indigenous Excellence 2022 website. The website also includes links to other educational resources.

Throughout the celebration, the Indigenous Peoples’ Centre at BU will be hosting contents and information sharing on its Facebook ( and Instagram ( accounts.

Success is built at Brandon University. Our growing, progressive campus welcomes a diverse and inclusive community that combines proud tradition with shared ambition. Through our excellence in teaching, research, and scholarship, we educate students to make a meaningful difference as engaged citizens and leaders. Join us at

Brandon University will move to Phase Gold at conclusion of Winter Term

Brandon University will move to Phase Gold at conclusion of Winter Term

BU NEWS — March 3, 2022

BRANDON – Brandon University is planning with cautious optimism for a Fall 2022 term that will look more like the traditional campus experience that has been missed throughout the pandemic. BU President David Docherty announced the plan in a campus-wide email Thursday afternoon, saying the university is looking forward to a Fall Term with full classes, full residences, and a full on-campus experience for our students.

To prepare for Fall 2022 with as few restrictions as possible, BU will move to Phase Gold of our campus re-opening plan after the end of Winter Term, and the university will safely begin easing a number of restrictions through the spring and summer. The pandemic is not over, and BU is taking a measured approach to monitoring community transmission and easing restrictions. Phase Gold will take effect Thursday, April 28, 2022.

What we’re changing:

We are committed to a safe and measured response as we make these changes. In Phase Gold, as of Thursday, April 28:

We will unlock our doors to visitors and members of the public. Key fob or Student ID card access will no longer be required.

We will no longer have a vaccine mandate for attendance on campus. Full vaccination against Covid will remain strongly encouraged, including any and all boosters. Vaccination is the single most effective action you can take to protect yourself and your community.

We will strongly encourage and support masks be worn indoors, but will no longer require them in all areas. Masks will help protect you from many airborne illnesses, as well as Covid.

We will no longer enforce physical distancing and capacity limits.


What is staying the same:

Some things are not changing at this time. Here are some of the Covid precautions that will remain in place: 

We will continue our enhanced ventilation. Covid is believed to be mostly transmitted by air, and we will continue to protect our community by increasing the filtration and airflow indoors.

We will continue to require self-monitoring for illness and symptoms. You should still stay home when sick. You may be able work from home, if arranged with your supervisor. 

We will continue to provide sanitization stations at entrances for you to sanitize your hands or high-touch surfaces.


Why we’re making these changes:

Over the past two years, we have all repeatedly adapted and readapted to the challenges of the pandemic. We have learned much about ways to stay safe while continuing to deliver the highest-quality education and research. However, we are missing many critical benefits of being together in person, including educational, social, and community connections.

With extremely high levels of vaccination on campus and in our community, with improving outlooks in our health-care system, and with ongoing Covid protocols that will remain in place, we can look forward to a spring, summer and fall that safely welcomes more people to a more open campus.

Why we’re changing things for spring:

We know that this will take some adjustment and we believe that spring and summer are the ideal times to begin Phase Gold. They are slower terms for us, with fewer faculty, staff and students on campus. Much research is in the field. Outdoors becomes an option for some meetings. Many people are taking their vacations. There are fewer classes, and those that are held typically see less mixing.

The pandemic is not over. While some signals show improvement, there is still community transmission, warranting a gradual and cautious approach. Moving to Phase Gold on Thursday, April 28 allows us to finish out the Winter Term the way we pledged we would, while also opening the door for students who are coming to Brandon for Spring Term, and may be looking to move into Residence that weekend. It also permits us the possibility of a more typical Convocation. While we are still determining exactly what Convocation will look like, we are confident that we will be able to return to an in-person celebration, although it will probably feature fewer hugs and handshakes this year. 

How we can support each other:

While we finish out the Winter Term, we have two months before these changes take effect, and for many it will require some adjustment. Please, reach out to your Deans or supervisors to ensure that Brandon University can support you appropriately. 

As a community, we will continue to expect that everyone follows the latest public health guidance, which may continue to change. For faculty and staff who may be engaged in travel for research or university business, please continue to monitor federal travel guidelines and seek pre-approval from your Dean or supervisor for any international trips.

Over the coming months, we may need to relearn ways to interact in person with one another. All of us will have varying levels of comfort with things like mask-wearing and gatherings. The isolation of the pandemic and artificiality of online communications may have strained relationships. But it will also be good to see friends again, and to reconnect. Please, remember that we reacted to the onset of the pandemic by supporting each other and by coming together — thank you for continuing that same thoughtful and compassionate approach as we return. 

Success is built at Brandon University. Our growing, progressive campus welcomes a diverse and inclusive community that combines proud tradition with shared ambition. Through our excellence in teaching, research, and scholarship, we educate students to make a meaningful difference as engaged citizens and leaders. Join us at

Classes to Resume In-Person

Classes to Resume In-Person

By: Maria Garcia Manzano, AEIC, The Quill

Photo Credits: google images

Last week, Brandon University announced that students would go back to in-person classes after reading week. Meaning students could expect to return to in-person learning February 28th, 2022. However, last week many students who are in the science faculty received a message from their professors saying that in-person learning could return as quickly as the first week of February if they had less than 25 people in their class. 

As a Bachelor of Science Student, I did receive notice from two of my professors that in-person learning would resume this upcoming week. As the university had originally planned prior to making their school wide announcement two weeks ago. The decision to go back to in-person was made by the Dean of science who believes that in-person learning can be safely resumed. 

Both of my professors asked for the students' input as they knew that the short notice given would require many students to make quick living decisions. They asked if we were okay to move back in person as early as next week and said that if most of the class wanted to stay online, they would try to convince the dean of science that staying online until February 28th would be best. One of my professors managed to convince the dean and for that particular class I will return to in-person after the break. As for my other class, my professor is still discussing it with the dean, and we should be updated early this week.

This goes to show that student opinions do matter to professors and to the dean of science and I encourage you all to reach out to your professors and see what can be done about returning to in-person learning later in February, as both professors and deans are understanding of the fact that everyone needs more time to prepare their living, child-care, and transport situations during these unprecedented times.

Semester to Continue Online

Semester to Continue Online

By: Maria Garcia Manzano, AEIC of The Quill

Photo Credits: Google Images

On Friday January 21, 2022 Brandon University came out with an announcement saying that the semester would continue online. In their email to all students, faculty and staff the university said that they would continue a cautious approach to the Winter Term. Noting that classes will begin transitioning back to in-person learning, a phase-in process that will last through February. They highlighted the importance of striking a careful balance of learning needs and the health and safety of the community during the Omicron surge. Previously, the university delayed the start of Winter Term, and moved most classes online through January, with the hope that the Omicron variant would have peaked by the end of the month. Unfortunately, the variant’s surge has not yet declined to point where the university feels that we can fully resume in-person learning immediately. 

As per their email the following updates were made:


  • Some classes, where the need for in-person instruction is highest, will transition back to in-person. This phase-in process will differ from class to class.

  • Other classes will continue to be held online until after the Winter Study Break, or Reading Week (Feb. 22–25). Those classes will resume in-person instruction as of Monday, Feb. 28.

  • There is no change to administrative deadlines, like add/drop and voluntary withdrawal.

  • In each faculty, Deans will determine which classes and other instruction will transition back and on what schedule, after discussion and consultation with faculty.

  • Students will hear from their professors directly with the date and specifics of their classes’ transitions.

  • Returning to in-person learning after the break means that approximately half of a class’s instructional hours will be offered in person, with an even greater percentage for those classes returning earlier.

Brandon University: Phase Gray What Does it Mean?

Brandon University: Phase Gray

What Does it Mean?

By Ronnie Kayla Neiman

After taking online classes for two years, it seemed that we were making progress in steadily going back to an in-person learning and teaching environment. The pandemic and the government of Canada put a stop to that. 

For the past year, Brandon University has been in phase blue. Which meant that there were very strict restrictions in place, but students were able to study at the library, go to the bookstore and access some in-person university resources. Though a vast majority was still online but with a better system in place to help staff and students. 

Now, the university has moved to phase gray.  In Phase Grey, Brandon University delivers a blended learning experience that includes online and in-person delivery. With sufficient protective equipment, like barriers and masks, the campus can safely welcome increasing numbers of people in person. At least that was what was intended. Then the Omicron surge of the COVID-19 pandemic hit during December. 

Within each phase, BU has the ability to fine-tune our response to meet specific needs. For example, students may require more on-campus supports during the regular session than during spring and summer, while in the same phase. Considerations will also Covid diagnosis rates and trends in our community, public health and provincial guidance, and protective measures in place on campus.

Phased reopening will move from the most cautious Phase Blue to increasingly more open phases of Phase Grey and Phase Gold. Brandon University continues to have regular dialogue with the Province of Manitoba, especially through the Department of Economic Development and Training, to ensure that the plans continue to meet provincial and federal requirements. Following public health guidance and tracking the evolving nature of the pandemic, the university looks forward to fully lifting all restrictions at some future date.

Due to the significant challenges of pivoting from in-person to online education, there are plans to proceed with an abundance of caution, ideally so that we  move through each phase only once. We encourage all members of the BU community to also monitor federal health guidance and the provincial RestartMB Pandemic Response System, which can also provide important context and information about economic openness, community risk, travel and other restrictions, and preventive measures like masks.

So, in summary, everything is constantly changing, and it can go from bad to good to bad. It can be difficult to adjust to. Remember, this is done for the safety of everyone within the university and our community.

Brandon University awards more than $10,000 in vaccine incentives to students, profs, and staff

BU NEWS — November 30, 2021

(News from Brandon University Website)

Brandon University awards more than $10,000 in vaccine incentives to students, profs, and staff


BRANDON – “I can’t believe it. It doesn’t seem real!” Erin Murray was visibly excited and beaming through her mask as she picked up a cheque to cover $5,000 in tuition yesterday.

Murray was the grand-prize winner in Brandon University’s Winning Shot incentive, which offered more than $10,000 in prizes to encourage students, faculty, and staff to get vaccinated.

“It felt surreal, I thought ‘What if it’s a trick?’ but it’s not, it’s real!” exclaimed the third-year nursing student from Carberry.

“This was the best part of my day,” said BU President David Docherty, who spent a few minutes chatting with Murray before presenting her with the grand prize.

Murray is currently working a clinical placement in Neepawa and says she wants to continue nursing in a rural setting when she graduates.

“I love it, I love rural nursing. They love their people so much. They’re so kind and team-oriented,” she said, although nursing through a pandemic has posed challenges. “When patients can have fewer, or even no visitors, it’s heartbreaking. The nurses are the visitors. And I hate it that patients can’t see my face.”

She says that vaccination offers a welcome ray of hope.

“It’s a privilege to get vaccinated, it makes such a difference,” she said.

“We’re thrilled by the enthusiasm and eagerness shown by students like Erin, and all our community, who by and large raced to get their shots,” Docherty said, adding that, for himself being able to go out and dine knowing that everyone in the restaurant is fully vaccinated feels like a relief. “We know that the vaccines are safe, effective, and offer considerable protection against even emerging variants. If you’re vaccinated, you know: every shot is a Winning Shot.”

The BU Winning Shot incentive ran through the summer and fall, and was designed to boost vaccine uptake in general, and full vaccination in particular. Students who got vaccinated and entered their names were eligible for prizes worth approximately $50 or $400 as well as the $5,000 grand prize. Employees were eligible for prizes worth approximately $50, $100, or $400.

"From a bookstore or Harvest Hall gift card to an HLC membership or a parking pass, all the way up to covering your tuition, every prize is also a showcase of the wide variety of services and facilities here at BU,” Docherty noted. “This helped keep the direct costs to the university somewhat lower, so we could offer more value to the winners from the same budget. And to encourage more vaccination overall, it’s money very well spent!”

All prize winners have been contacted. A full list of prize winners is available at

Upcoming Winter Semester at BU

Upcoming Winter Semester at BU

By: Maria Garcia Manzano, AEIC of The Quill

Photo Credits: 

As we approach the end of the first term, many students are wondering how next term will look like. On November 4th 2021, Brandon University confirmed that the winter term will look a lot like the current term. The university has decided to continue with its strong precautions to prevent the spread of Covid-19 and keep students, faculty, and staff as safe as possible.

Therefore, the Winter 2022 Term, which begins in January 2022, will continue enforcing existing restrictions and mandates. These mandates have proven effective so far, and now BU faculty, staff and students have had a whole semester to become accustomed to them. 

As quoted on the Brandon University Website: “We’re on the more cautious side, and we are not apologetic about that. We have seen a successful Fall Term, we know this has been working, and we believe this is a roadmap for a successful Winter Term,” said BU President Dr. David Docherty, who announced the plan at this week’s General Faculty Council and has shared it with the entire campus. “We are continuing in the mid-range ‘Phase Grey’ of our campus re-opening plan, which balances campus safety for everyone with the benefits of in-person learning and working where possible.”

This means that classes of 25 or fewer will continue to be held in person, where possible, and where space and scheduling considerations permit, while most larger classes will continue to be held online. The university will also continue to require physical distancing, continue to require masks be worn indoors, and continue to require vaccination in order to be on campus. The university is also continuing enhanced ventilation and sanitization.

Brandon university have also made a commitment to students: They will ensure that a class finishes the term in the same manner that it begins, with no mid-term pivot unless required by public health order. Although the general measures in Winter 2022 Term will be largely the same as the existing ones, the University is tweaking a few small elements. For example, some classes of more than 25 students may be held in person, if the professor requests it, and if physical distancing can be reasonably maintained. Professors have been encouraged to talk to their Deans to discuss possibilities. Furthermore, another slight change that BU members can look forward to include some more public events may be held on campus, for example, meetings for community groups that the university has traditionally hosted. These events will be permitted so long as all attendees can follow BU’s Covid precautions and all public health orders.

MEDIA RELEASE - UMFA, students march through Tuxedo to demand end to government interference 

MEDIA RELEASE - UMFA, students march through Tuxedo to demand end to government interference 

UMFA members will walk through the streets of Tuxedo, calling on Premier Stefanson to rescind the mandate

Winnipeg -- University of Manitoba Faculty Association members, students, and supporters will march through Premier Heather Stefanson’s Tuxedo constituency today at 5:30pm to demand that she lift the wage mandate that restricts the university administration’s ability to bargain with UMFA. The march will wind through the riding and draw attention to Stefanson’s continued interference in UMFA negotiations, as she follows Brian Pallister’s failed wage-freeze policy. UMFA wrote to Stefanson on October 31st, asking her to meet and to prevent a strike, and did not receive a response.

“Our members are taking our fight to Stefanson’s riding, to make sure her voters know that she has refused to use her power to stop the strike. Her refusal is putting the competitiveness of the university at risk and prolonging our job action,” said Orvie Dingwall, UMFA President. “Premier Stefanson said that her door was open and that she was ready to listen to all Manitobans. She could end her silence and get students back into classrooms by immediately dropping the restrictive Pallister wage mandate imposed on the university’s administration. This continued interference leads to faculty recruitment and retention issues and decreased opportunities for students and puts the future of our university at risk.”

Marchers will bang pots and pans, make noise, and hold a “search party” to look for Stefanson, who has rarely spoken publicly since becoming Premier. 

“We will march through Tuxedo looking for Stefanson and searching for some real leadership to end this strike,” said Mark Libin, a professor of English and an UMFA member. “All we’re asking is for her to allow the university to bargain in good faith and allow us to return to our classrooms”.

“Our educators have been on the picket lines and students have been out of classes for two weeks, and Premier Stefanson has not made herself available to discuss this with any of us,” said Olivia Macdonald Mager, an organizer with Students Supporting UMFA. “The premier can play a major part in ending this strike, yet she is missing in action. 

The march will begin at 5:30pm at Assiniboine Park’s main gate at Corydon and Park Blvd N. 

Last week, the university’s administration rejected an offer from UMFA that would have addressed recruitment and retention issues by making compensation more competitive. Currently, UMFA salaries rank second-lowest among the 15 largest Canadian research universities. UMFA represents over 1,200 professors, instructors, and librarians at the University of Manitoba.

Charter Rights Vs Public Health Restrictions Ruling

Charter Rights Vs Public Health Restrictions Ruling

By: Maria Garcia Manzano, AEIC of The Quill 

Photo Credits: CTV News Winnipeg

Last December, a group of seven rural churches and three individuals brought a court challenge against the restrictions being imposed due to the pandemic as a violation of their charter rights.  On October 21, 2021, a Manitoba judge ruled that the restrictions were not violating Manitoban's Charter rights. 

The seven rural churches argued that the measures were an unjustified violation of their charter-protected freedoms of conscience, religion, expression, and peaceful assembly. However, Chief Justice Glenn Joyal of the Court of Queen's Bench said that he found the public health orders were a reasonable limitation on individuals' charter rights within the pandemic scope. Justice Joyal noted that Manitoba's chief public health officers did have the authority to execute the public health orders imposed. Furthermore, he said that fundamental freedoms should not disappear in a pandemic but that the Manitoba government had to make quick and decisive decisions to control the virus and save lives. 

He further elaborated on the testimony given by those who were able to exercise the necessary authority in Manitoba public health, saying he viewed the witnesses as credible and reliable and accepted that the restrictions were based on well-accepted public health consensus. On the other hand, the opposing side failed to make a convincing argument that there was insufficient proof to justify the restrictions calling their evidence at best "a contrary if not contrarian scientific point of view." (Justice Joyal)

In conclusion, Thursday's court decision confirms the provincial government's position that the public health orders issued during the pandemic do not violate the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and that the chief provincial public health officer does have the authority to issue them.

For more information about this court decision go to: