Documentary on gendercide hits hard

On Wednesday, April 3rd, It’s a Girl was screened in the Elephant Room on the 3rd Floor of the Knowles-Douglas Building. Shot in India and China, the documentary focused on the systemic killing of individuals of a specific sex, or “gendercide,” through the stories of men and women whose lives were drastically impacted by local cultural practices and political systems adhering to patriarchal agenda.

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New culture coming to Brandon: Permaculture

Unexplored regions of the Great Canadian North are becoming increasingly available for mining and logging developments. A copper mine recently began operation in Grass River Provincial Park and, as other mines pop up all around the park, a logging road is being scheduled to divide it. Suburbia is sprawling onto agricultural land while agricultural lands sprawl into forested land.

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Int’l Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

In the Mingling Area on March 21st, the Brandon University Multicultural Association (BUMA) organized a rally to promote the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. The day was dedicated in 1966 by the United Nations, calling on the community, and the world, to increase its efforts to achieve the elimination of racial discrimination.

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Beer vs Beer Finale Party a success

On Friday, March 22nd, the Students’ Union Drinking Spot (SUDS) hosted their annual Beer vs Beer Finale Party, giving students a final chance to crown their preferred beer of the year.  This year, Labatt Blue or Keith’s Pale were the finalists.  For entertainment, Brandon bands No Teddy, Torn From Flames, and Out F’Sync occupied the stage, playing into the early morning hours.

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Royal Manitoba Winter Fair begins

From March 25th to 30th, one of Western Canada’s largest agricultural events, and the largest annual event held in Brandon, will be in the Keystone Centre once again. One of the only two Canadian fairs to ever receive patronage from Queen Elizabeth II, this year features a host of daily events ranging from the Royal Petting Zoo to the Calcutta Cattle auction.

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Out F’Sync and Torn From Flames feud before SUDS social

On Friday, March 22nd, the Students’ Union Drinking Spot (SUDS) is hosting a “Beer vs Beer Finale Party” to crown either Keith’s Pale or Labatt Blue as this year’s most popular ale. Featured at “the Superbowl of Beers” are local band No Teddy, progressive metal/hardcore group Torn From Flames and cover band Out F’Sync.

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