A year with online learning

A year with online learning

By Okorie Mary

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Sometime last year was the last time students got together in classrooms, saw their professors in person and made meaningful connections and friends. Now a year has gone by and most of our learning experiences has been online. Both professors and students were forced into online education because of the pandemic. Professors who were not totally technically inclined had to learn to navigate teaching online with different sites and apps. Also, to try and curb cheating as much as possible, they had to look for alternatives such as watching students through videos as they wrote their exams. Students also were forced to learn to navigate the online environment for having classes, they were faced with technical glitches and difficulties because at some point, technological devices would always have some issues. Some students were afraid of writing exams because the exams could log them out or they would not even be able to login in the first place and some professors had a hard time keeping up with different technological complaints from students. There were also restrictions like not going back on an exam even when it was timed which would not have been the case if classes were in-person. A lot has really changed with most of learning now delivered with online mode, it has not been the easiest. Nevertheless, we are all learning to cope with it while hoping for a better future when things can go back to the way they were before the pandemic.