Brandon University did not extend the winter break

Brandon University did not extend the winter break

BU Student

2020 was a year unlike any other, and the first semester (virtual term) was a difficult challenge for all students, staff and professors. University is stressful as is but when online schooling was added to the mix, the stress level of university drastically increased. Many of us had to learn to use new tools and deal with the stress of online testing and examination. Finding the motivation to wake up and turn on our computers to attend classes and hand in assignments was a struggle and took a big toll on our mental health. Many universities like the University of Toronto, University of Manitoba, Waterloo, Wilfred Laurier and others extended winter holidays by 1-2 weeks because they understood that the students, staff and professors needed extra time to recuperate. Other universities like University of Saskatchewan and Macmaster extended their winter holiday break by 1 week after the students at the universities successfully petitioned.  

So, what about Brandon University? 

Brandon University held a senate meeting back in October to discuss the potential of extending the winter break, but it was decided against due to a clash with deadlines at the end of second term (virtual term two). They were unable to come up with a plan to extend the break and meet the deadlines. 

A Brandon University student started a petition in hopes that the university would listen to the students. The petition quickly gained popularity and amassed over 700 signatures, which is roughly 25-30 percent of the population of Brandon University, the same percent of students that signed the Macmaster petition (which got approved). The following is one of the many comments on the petition, David Winter wrote: “As a faculty member on sabbatical, I stand in solidarity with my colleagues in the teaching trenches and students who are enervated and exhausted. Please extend the holiday break during these unprecedented times.” This just goes to show that not only are the students in need of a break but so are the staff members and the professors. According to students there was a rumour going around that the petition was brought up in a senate meeting but according to the BUSU president in a Facebook comment “it was discussed earlier in October and was decided against as it would not benefit all students and faculty in the greater context. No more discussions have taken place at senate since the decision in October.” 

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In the defence of Brandon University, the extended break would’ve caused delayed graduations, delayed grades and given the professors a shorter term to fit their material by 1 week, roughly 2 classes. Online classes were an unforeseen situation that no one could’ve been prepared for, but Brandon University could’ve worked out a plan to work out these issues. 

 I due realize that this article is a bit late and that nothing can be done now, I just wanted to inform you of the disregard Brandon University had on the petition, them not bringing it up in the senate meeting held in December goes to show how much they cared about the petition [students]. There isn’t anything we can do now, but these decisions are made by the people that we elect for BUSU and the senate. This goes to show how important voting is. 

I wish you all a good luck for 2021 and second term. 

Stay safe and healthy.

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