Vaccines for COVID-19 in Development

Vaccines for COVID-19 in Development

By Kiersten Garbutt

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Perhaps the most exciting news from this year is the possibility of an effective vaccine fir COVID-19 becoming available early in the new year. Canada has signed contracts with two companies. The first, Pfizer and BioNTech, stated that their tested vaccine is at a 95% effectiveness. The second company, Moderna, has stated similar results of 94.5% effectiveness. These vaccines are shown to be safe because they went through vigorous testing. Since the vaccine is new, it will still be monitored, but so far, the results from these vaccines have been positive. Dr. Brent Roussin stated that even with the vaccine, disruption of the vaccine will take a while; he stated that “early signs show that they’re safe and effective, but there’s certainly going to be low quantity at the beginning of next year. We’re going to be dealing with this virus for many, many more months, another year, but it’s certainly optimistic results that we’re seeing with these vaccines”.

 According to the Government of Manitoba, the vaccine will be free and hopefully will be available to anyone who wants to be vaccinated. It is stated, by Canada’s deputy chief public health officer, that all Canadians could be vaccinated by the end of 2021. Having a vaccine will lesson the stress on health care workers, limit the spread of Covid-19, and protect the health of immunocompromised individuals. However, even with a vaccine it is still important to stay home when sick, wash your hands regularly, and continue wearing masks.