A New School Year Is Here

A new school year is upon us! That means that soon the hallways of the university will be filled with students rushing to those early morning classes. However, with the start of a new semester comes new opportunities. Indeed, Brandon University has no shortage of extra curricular activities to dive into to. Numerous clubs and groups can be found all across campus. One of the best ways to make sure your post secondary years are both enjoyable and memorable is to get involved in the campus community. By becoming a member of a club that interests you, you'll be able to plan, attend and organize a variety of activities associated with that organization. On top of giving you something to do besides studying, involving yourself in a university club also looks amazing on a resume. Whatever your interests or goals are, there's a club on campus for you!

One of these "campus clubs" happens to be The Quill, Brandon University's very own student newspaper. Founded back in 1910, The Quill is one of the oldest student newspapers in Western Canada. We publish bi-weekly throughout the school year, with newspaper stands found all across campus. As with the beginning of every school year, The Quill is looking for students who are passionate about writing and journalism to join the team. New writers start off as a junior reporter and contribute material that is featured in the physical newspaper and our online editions. Students can choose what they want to write about, as long as it has relevance to the campus community. Students also choose how much they write and when they want to contribute material. That means there's no commitment or expectation for material on a regular basis. You choose when you want to write!

Not only does writing for The Quill polish up your resume it also pays cold hard cash! That's right, writers at The Quill are paid for the material they contribute towards the newspaper. At the end of each semester that total amount of words written are added up into one document. The percentage of words that you have written is the percentage that you get paid, based on the total money available for the semester.  The more you write the more you get paid!

If joining The Quill sounds like something you'd be interested in, ( who wouldn't be, right?) then sign up to be part of the team. In order to become a junior reporter you can either email the Editor-in-Chief at eic.thequill@gmail.com or visit our office on campus. The Quill office is located on the second floor inside the Knowles-Douglas building, the same building that the BUSU office is located in. Pay us a visit to learn more about your student newspaper and see student journalism at its best!