History Club Board Game Night

The Brandon University History Club will be holding their first official event of the year on March 11th, from 5pm-7pm in Clark Hall 104. They will be borrowing board game from Dr. Hinther’s Public History Class and having a games night! They welcome participants to bring their own board games as well. There will be snacks and pop available at the event. The History Club is a bit late to the game this year but will also be participating the History Wine and Cheese event taking place on March 5th. 

The Club is being led by myself, Jenna Murray, a third-year history major. I love studying history because it has always been an interest for me. The Vice-President of the club is Karmelle Tower, who is also a history major, and likes to study history because she enjoys knowing about the past and how things used to be that led to the world we know now.