Welcoming in the new year, Brandon University’s Academic Services has a whole new lineup of workshops available for students with the start of the term covering Writing Skills, Learning Skills, and Math Skills. Additionally, other workshops covering Career Planning, Library/Research Skills, and Wellness Workshops will be offered.
For Writing Skills, the Academic Services will be offering “Essay Basics Workshops”, which will be taking place January 15th at 11:40-12:30, January 30th 1:40-2:30, and finally February 14th at 10:10-11:00am, all of these workshops will be taking place in MCK 005. Students looking for help with more specific topics such as citations, thesis statements, and grammar can book an appointment at leej@brandonu.ca or 204-727-9737. Writing Skills walk in hours are from 1:00pm-3:00pm Monday through Friday, with the exception of reading week where students can bring their papers, but its recommended to also bring in any instructions for the assignment.
Learning Skills will be offering four different workshops throughout the term taking place in MCK 005. The first is titled “Reducing Procrastination” which will be taking place January 23rd at 10:40-11:30 and January 24th at 10:30-11:20. The next workshops “Summarizing Strategies” will be January 30th from 10:40-11:30 and January 31st from 10:30-11:20. “Strategies for Success: The Study Cycle” will be held February 6th 10:40-11:30 and February 7th 10:30-11:20. Their final workshop “Final Exam Prep” will be April 8th 2:00-3:00. They have walk in hours on Fridays 9:00am-12:00pm where students can learn about study schedules, reading textbooks, and other relevant topics.
Math Skills will be holding a wide variety of workshops taking place in Room 1-53 BB. “Logarithms” will be January 15th 12:40-1:30, “Discrete and Continuous Distributions” will be January 22nd 12:40-1:30, “Linear and Quadratic Equations” will be January 29th 12:40-1:30, “Hypothesis Testing” is February 5th 12:40-1:30, “Exponential Functions, Exponential Equations” is February 12th at 12:40-1:30, “Calculus I (limits, continuity)” is February 26th from 12:40-1:30, “Counting Techniques” is March 5th from 12:40-1:30, “Probability” is March 12th from 12:40-1:30, “Injective, Surjective, Bijective Functions” will be March 19th from 12:20-1:30, “Calculus I (derivatives)” is march 26th from 12:20-1:30, and finally “Statistical” will be their final workshop on April 2nd from 12:40-1:30.
Career Planning will be hosting “Finding Your Summer Job” on January 15th from 12:20-1:30, “How to Apply to the Provincial/Federal Government For A Summer Job” January 16th from 1:40-2:30, “Planning Your Career” is January 22nd 12:40-1:30, “How to Write your Resume & Cover Letter” January 29th 12:40-1:30, “Preparing for you Interview” January 30th 1:40-2:30, “Networking Skills” February 6th 1:40-2:30, “Employee Rights in the Workplace” February 12th 12:40-1:30, “Creating Your Personal Brand” February 13th 1:40-2:30, “How to Manage Your On-line/Social Media Presence” February 26th, 12:40-1:30, and finally “Finding Your Summer Job” February 27th 1:40-2:30. Career Planning workshops take place in Room 104 CHO.
Library and Researching Skills have their next workshop on “Peer-reviewed Journal Articles” on January 15th from 11:40-12:30 and February 27th from 12:40-1:30 , “Library Databases” January 22nd from 11:40-12:30 and March 6th 12:40-1:30, “Google and Google Scholar for Research” January 29th from 11:40-12:30 and March 12th from 11:40-12:30, “Online Government Documents” February 6th 12:40-1:30 and March 13th 12:40-1:30, “Finding Books and E-books” February 12th 11:40-12:30, “Research Prep for Winter Study Break” will be held twice on February 13th at 12:40-1:30 and 14th at 11:30-12:40. All of these workshops will be held in Library, Main Floor, Rm 111.
There will be three Wellness Workshops held this term, “Test Anxiety” will be February 27th 2:40-3:30, “Sleep Hygiene” is March 13th 2:40-3:30, and “Coping with Stress of Exams” March 20th 2:40-3:30. All of these workshops will be held in MCK 005.
photo credit: Carly