You Paid The Fees, Now What?

BUSU Fee= $66.60

Student Services Fee= $63.00

Student Fitness Fee= $77.20

U-Pass= $19.00

You paid this and more in student fees. Why? What’s the benefit? It breaks down to a lot of money in fees, so I would recommend you take full advantages of the services BU has to offer. I didn’t really utilize the academic skills that my fees paid for until my third year. So, be smarter than I, and let’s break down some of the services available to you!

You paid for an academic advisor to help you look over your courses to ensure that you’re on track to graduate. The Academic Skills Centre can help you with math, writing and learning skills. Sheilagh Grills has helped me hold it together more than once with creating study plans and setting realistic academic goals. They’re also many workshops that are upcoming, including Making a Study Plan and Study Skills 101: Textbook Basics, both happening on September 18th.

Also included in the Student Services fee is access to personal counselling. Sherry or Marsha can help you find ways to manage anxiety, depression, stress, family issues, homesickness, etc. New this year on the BU page is Sexualized Violence Supports and Information, where there are resources available that you can access anonymously if you wish.

The Career Planning and Placement Office helps students determine possible career paths, career fairs, assistance with résumés and cover letters and student and graduate referrals for employment.

For international students, the Office of International Activities provides a space for students visiting Canada to feel more at home and connect with others going through the same experience. The Indigenous People’s Centre creates a space for people to come together and provide academic, social and cultural supports.

Through BUSU students get year-round Health & Dental benefits for $250 (with the option to opt-out if you have an alternative plan). The VP Internal Emily Simmons can advocate for you if you have grievances regarding grades, academic suspension, late submissions or accusations of academic dishonesty. The Paw Pass is a free sticker available at the BUSU office that is placed on the back of your student ID to indicate to participating businesses that you’re eligible for discounts. Most businesses have a discount ranging from 10%-50% with businesses such as Dominos, Little Italy Pizzeria, The Green Spot, Smitten, The Dock, Grand Valley Animal Clinic, Muse and Keywest Photo. 

Also included in your student fees are access to computers and internet, the Healthy Living Center fitness facilities and year-round bus services. If you find yourself looking for something to do, Bobcat games are free to all BU students!