Strand Theatre Sign

It’s great that Brandon University is taking steps to preserve the heritage of the former Strand Theatre. With the doomed building set to come down by the end of March, in downtown Brandon.

“The iconic Strand sign is in great shape and I am eager to see how our plans for downtown will reinterpret it in an entirely new context,” Said Brandon University Interim President Steve Robinson. “I imagine it will be quite compelling to see the sign all lit up again alongside the classic movie marquee.”

Brandon University has partnered with the Brandon Sun to store the signage,

“Our deep roots in the city make this a natural fit,” Said Brandon Sun publisher Jim Milhaly. “We have chronicled the evolution of both Brandon University and the Strand Theatre from inception through today, and we are pleased to step in and play a part in this exciting development for downtown.”

Salvage of the historic elements from the former Strand theatre building begins as early as March 1, with demolition of the remaining structure immediately afterward. Brandon University has engaged Total Demolition to demolish the structure and also to evacuate and demolish the vacant basement underneath the old Brown Block property immediately to the south. Full backfilling and cleanup of the property could extend into late April.

I’m a fan of the classic theatre look, so I am looking forward to seeing the sign all lit up along with the classic movie marquee. Props to the Brandon University and the Brandon Sun for intending to save the heritage elements of the former Strand Theatre!