Clarifications And Corrections

The March 6th issue of The Quill was shamefully riddled with errors, for which I take full responsibility. It was late, and I did not edit as thoroughly as I should have. I was concerned for the snow that was rapidly surrounding the university. That said, on to the corrections:

1. The cover incorrectly advertised the Imaginus Poster Sale. It should have read “Snow Sculptures Grace Campus”.

2. This Week in Pop Culture was not about Studio Ghibli. It was about Trolling, and it was written by Patrick Gohl.

3. The International Women’s Day PSA article was mis-titled as Mental Health Week 2018, and was written by Jenna Murray, not Alexandra Mackay.

4. The New Restaurants article was written by Carly Murkin, whose last name I neglected to include.

I believe that is all of the errors I made, but if anyone notices anything else, I welcome the corrections.