The Light In The Dark: Angel Dresses

The not for profit organization, Manitoba Angel Dresses organization, is hosting a booth at the Shoppers Mall here in Brandon on November 27th from 9:30 am until 9 pm. Jennifer Neiman, group leader for Dauphin and area for Manitoba Angel Dresses will be available to answer any questions. This institution creates bereavement outfits for angel babies. Manitoba Angel Dresses is volunteer driven, and all volunteers believe in the vision and mission statement; “Our vision and mission is to ease the stress on a grieving family by providing the family a beautiful item lovingly created to clothe their precious Angel in.” All Angel items that the volunteers of this organization created are gifted to grieving families while any charges incurred are covered by Manitoba Angel Dresses and its members. Many of the Angel items and dresses are created from donated wedding gowns and bridesmaid dresses.

The booth at the Shoppers Mall aims to educate others on what the organization stands for, why these dresses are being made and to find more volunteers. Volunteers can be those who can sew, crochet, knit, and have many other talents that are used by the organization. At this time, they are not seeking dresses as donations, but are looking for ribbons, threads, and various other items to embellish the angel dresses with. Anyone who wishes to volunteer should go to the booth or to contact the Manitoba Angel Dresses organization. Email them at, and a response should be received within 24 hours.

More information can be found at the Manitoba Angel Dresses Facebook page or at their website; Manitoba Angel dresses has an inspiring vision to help those who are grieving, and these volunteers gain wonderful experience and knowledge from working with those who wish to lessen the burden of grieving families.