Women's Collective Paint Night

The Brandon University Women’s Collective will be holding a paint night on Friday, November 23rd, at 7:00p.m. It is being held in Harvest Hall, and there will be a cash bar available. Tickets for the paint night are only $25 because the Women’s Collective is absorbing the rest of the cost for each participant. The artist leading the evening will be Kathleen Lagasse. Kathleen runs Lagasse’s Studio of Fine Art in Souris MB and the picture being painted is the beautiful feather on the background of the poster for the event. Last year the Women’s Collective held a paint night in Forbidden Flavours but decided to switch the location this year to get more people involved. The Women’s Collective hopes by absorbing most of the cost for the paint night the event can be more inclusive. Because let’s face it, we’re all broke as hell. Paint nights are a fun way to destress and come home with a beautiful piece of art and maybe drink some wine (or other beverage of choice). Not sure what you are going to get your parents/grandparents/ significant other for Christmas? How about a piece of hand painted art! They don’t need to know how inexpensive it was, they just need to know you painted it! The event is open to all BU students, staff, or larger Brandon community members. If tickets are still available at the door Friday if the event is not sold out. If you want to assure you have a spot, you can email buwomenscollective@gmail.com to arrange picking up tickets earlier.

The Brandon University Women’s Collective offers safer sex supplies, tampons and pads, and pregnancy tests to students for free. They also sell Diva Cups for $30. If you are in need/want of any of these supplies, feel free to email them! They also offer a safe space on campus to any self-identifying women and have various resources available.