Voluntary Withdrawal Deadline

The Voluntary Withdrawal date is quickly approaching, Monday November 19th will be the last day to withdrawal from any first term courses, as well as the last day for a 50% refund on both term courses. 

When a student chooses to voluntarily withdrawal from a first term course they don’t receive a refund for the course, the option to withdrawal from a course with a full refund ended a month ago on September 19th. Instead this option allows students to drop a course without having an official grade assigned, instead listed on your transcript will be a VW.  

This deadline is just for first term and both term courses, any changes to your second term courses have separate deadlines during the second term. Second term courses can be dropped with a full refund until Thursday January 17th, with the second term voluntary withdrawal date being February 25th. 

There are various legitimate reasons a student may choose to drop a course. For instance if the overall grade based on current assignments and testing isn’t coming to a passing grade, or it will simply drag down a GPA, choosing to withdrawal from the course will prevent a failing or lacking grade and keep your GPA unaffected. Or if a student is simply overwhelmed and doesn’t see themselves being able to complete the course for various reasons, it may prove to be the best course of action to drop the class as opposed to waiting until it’s too late and a grade will be assigned and placed on the transcript. 

However, if a student choses not to drop the course but still ends up with a failing or unsatisfactory grade the student can retake the course. How this works is that the student retakes the course with both grades appearing on the transcript, but with only the most recent attempted course grade being countered towards the grade point average, as well as counted credit hours. Any previous attempts will have RPT placed beside the course indicating it’s been repeated.