Student Group Day in the Mingling Area. (Robert Killam/The Quill)
Last week Tuesday, people from all backgrounds and faculties gathered in what would come to be known as one of the greatest recruiting drives in South Western Manitoban history. Student Group day took place this past week in the Mingling Area of the Knowles-Douglas Centre (KDC) to try and enlist potential members in an epic race to make students less apathetic and more social.
Present on site was the Brandon University Gaming Association (BUGA), Brandon University Theatre Club, Brandon University Fine Arts Students (BUFASA), Varsity Christian Fellowship (VCF), FOCUS ISMC (International Student Ministries Canada), Enactus, Brandon University Geographic Society (BUGS), Brandon University Anthropological Society, Biological Society, Western Manitoba Pre-Veterinary Medical Association, Brandon University Mathematics Association, LGBTTQ* Collective, Brandon University Psychology Club, Student Services and the International Students Organization.
Included on the BUSU website there is also Brandon University Chemistry Club, Brandon University Student Music Educators Association, Brandon University Students For Life and Masters In Environmental And Life Sciences Club.
Now this list might seem a little intimidating but its important for you to note that each of these clubs are very friendly and always looking for new members. They have a club for almost every field of study and interest for students. Joining a club is a great way to meet people and make friends, grow your network easily just by going to a few meetings of the clubs or going to a few events.
To join any of these clubs or if you have any questions please go see the staff at the BUSU office or checking out their website at