(Krista Murray/The Quill)
Alright, sports (or other) fans! It’s time to buckle up and get ready for week two of the 2017 Explorientation events! Your Friendly Neighbourhood BUSU Council has another fun-filled week ready to ease us all back into the harsh reality of the school year.
We last left off on Tuesday, September 12th. Today, there will be student groups tabling in the Mingling Area of the Knowles-Douglas Centre (KDC) from 9:00AM to 3:00PM. The day will wrap up with a FREE bowling excursion to Thunderbird Bowl. Interested students are encouraged to sign up at the BUSU office, and meet up in front of the KDC at 6:30PM.
Wednesday, September 13th is a busy day! There will be massages offered in the Gathering Space on the main floor of the John R. Robins Library from 11:00AM to 3:00PM. There are no appointment times, and will be given on a first-come, first-served basis. BUSU will also be in the Mingling Area of the KDC to answer any questions students may have about their health and dental plans. Students who are full time (12 credit hours or more per term) are automatically enrolled, with the $250 cost included in tuition for first term. Students can opt out if they have other insurance, which BUSU can assist with.
David’s Tea will join BUSU in the Mingling Area from 10:00AM to 2:00PM to distribute free tea. The day will end with a trivia night in Harvest Hall beginning at 7:00PM. Grab some friends and come on out for a fun time!
Thursday, September 14th brings a s’mores BBQ in the Kavanagh Courtyard, which is set to begin at 12:00PM.
Friday, September 15th is, of course, the Glow-Up Disorientation Social. This event replaces the Crash the Courtyard event BUSU has hosted for the past two years, and will feature local entrepreneur, former BUSU VPE, and BU Alum DJ Rhoni Mohanraj of Trident Music. For more information about the Glow-Up Social, see page 7.