(Credit: Ashlyn Pearce/The Quill)
The Quill: What do you feel most qualifies you for this position?
Aleca Antonakis: Arts is what my degree is in, [so] I know what you need for other [degree requirements] for graduating that are not related to the degree, such as social sciences and natural sciences.
TQ: Please explain one goal that you would like to achieve in the position, should you be elected.
AA: One goal I want to achieve is being able to [work towards introducing] an online option for certain classes or even entire degrees. Many universities offer online courses and programs and BU does not[...]. Online courses are great for students who want to work more [and] are great for [parents] who cannot afford daycare [...].
TQ: What is your favourite campus event/activity, and why?
AA: My favourite campus events [are] Career Day and Mental Health Week because Career Day helps students find work during the spring and summer and all year round. Some students struggle with finding a great job. Career Day is also great for students who want to continue their studies after their degree or [who want to] attend grad school because most of the time an undergrad degree isn’t enough for getting a career.
Mental Health Week is a great week to hear about what you can do when your stressing about anything personal in your life, besides in academics. I love when the massage therapists are giving out free massages. I [would] love to see more come out different days of the week, if they are contacted sooner in the year or during the summer to book time to come on campus because massages let out stress from hormones in the body.
Republished from The Quill print edition, Volume 107, Issue 23, February 28th, 2017.