(Credit: Ashlyn Pearce/The Quill)
The Quill: What do you feel most qualifies you for this position?
Nick Brown: I believe my time at Brandon University, and BUSU is what qualifies me best to represent the students of BU. I started my music education degree in the fall of 2011 and have maintained my student status ever since. For my first four years, I lived in McMaster Hall, and sat on the residence councils, and rose to be VP of McMaster Hall, and Chair of the Inter-Residence Committee.
In my third year, I was given the opportunity to fill the vacant Vice President Internal position after no one ran in the 2014 election. After two successful years as VPI, and a stint as Interim President, I decided to run for President in 2016, and have fulfilled that role to the highest standard for the past year.
TQ: Please explain one goal that you would like to achieve in the position, should you be elected.
NB: My biggest goal for next year is the same goal I campaigned on in 2016; no increase to international differential fees. Tuition is the largest barrier to education facing today’s students, and using international students as cash cows will only hurt Brandon University by driving those students to other institutions.
Over the past year I have campaigned tirelessly on the issue of differential fee increases, including hosting the All Out Nov. 2 rally, and submitting motions to the BU Board of Governors. With the amount of opposition by the BOG, I fear for the continuity of this campaign as the BU budget is passed in May, after my current term ends.
TQ: What is your greatest personal accomplishment?
NB: It’s hard to choose which of my accomplishments with BUSU has been the greatest. While bringing Rock The Block onto the BU campus, and rebranding as Crash The Courtyard, has been the most fun, renegotiating the Upass agreement with the city, and bringing in a new health and dental provider has increased the services for students the most; the most fulfilling thing I’ve done is fight for student rights at the national, provincial, and local level.
I hope to be re-elected as BUSU President so that I can continue to fight, and campaign for the students and their rights.
Republished from The Quill print edition, Volume 107, Issue 23, February 28th, 2017.