(Dave Crosby / Flickr)
The career fair took place last week where students were invited to come and ask questions about future job opportunities, and discover the steps required to go into those careers. There were recruiters from across the career spectrum; these included: the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, the Canadian Armed Forces, Directing Traffic, Manitoba Telecom Services, the Civil Service Commission, and Border Agencies Canada. Employment Manitoba was also present, trying to help students look for jobs and the Department of Education was there offering information on how to apply into their Faculty.
Lots of these jobs vary, some can easily be made into careers whereas others may just be summer-time or part-time jobs. Many of these jobs also offer great benefits and chances at lifetime experiences, if you’re interested in any you should check them out online. Full-time jobs and part-time positions are open to anyone who is willing to look for them, you just have to step outside your comfort zone. However, this can be a stressful time for many students.
Many people getting ready to graduate this year may not know what they want to do for the rest of their life, and that’s okay. Maybe you can’t get into that dream job right after University. It’s important to keep moving forward, and continue at your own pace.
If you are lucky enough to know what you want to do, some advice to get that dream career is to work in that field of expertise, even if it’s just volunteering. At least it’s something that can transfer over, or be seen as valuable, when you apply to that position. All sorts of opportunities lie in wait for university students; you will always find time for something you love to do. Finding a career can be fun, or it can be dreadful. Just try not to lose yourself or your sanity trying to get it.
What happens to many people searching for happiness and fulfillment in a career is they think the formula for life lies in that career’s amount of wealth or prestige. Maybe you were taught that “working hard + making money = happiness,” but this is hardly ever the case. Do not rush into something you do not want to do, or stick with a mistake you made because you took a long time making it. You don’t have to have just one career, you can have many. Work at three or 300 before you find what you like. Happiness and fulfillment won’t occur as a result of this dream career, you should be able to find happiness first.
So as career fairs and recruiters try to convince you to join their cause and make a difference, just remember that you come first. Neither prestige nor wealth will make you feel fulfilled if you’re not doing something worth your time, or something you desire. Stay classy students of BU. Best of luck in your searches for the future!
Republished from The Quill print edition, Volume 107, Issue 20, January 31, 2017.