Carpooling definitely has its advantages (but not exactly this advantage) at Brandon University. (Atwater Village Newbie / Flickr)
Brandon University launched a new carpooling initiative on September 3rd, which offers faculty, students, and staff access to preferred parking spots in various lots around campus at a discounted price.
The carpool parking pass comes with a 20% discount off of the 2013-14 parking pass rate on top of the reduced commuter costs for carpool participants, and a smaller carbon footprint.
At least two students, staff, or faculty must be registered as a carpooling group and share a ride to campus in a single vehicle in order to be eligible for a carpooling pass.
Designated parking spaces are identified with signs for registered carpool users with a displayed carpool parking pass on the rear-view mirror. Vehicles not registered with the Parking Office as having a valid carpool parking permit are not allowed to park in the designated carpooling spots at any time and will be ticketed.
Carpool groups are required to have a designated “captain” that is responsible for the administrative duties for the group, including payment, acquiring the special parking pass, determining and communicating the carpool schedule, and serving as the sole carpool member to communicate with the Parking Office.
Vehicles with a carpool parking pass must have at least one passenger in addition to the driver in order to utilize the carpool parking spaces, or park in a non-carpool parking spot.
The usage of a carpool parking pass with only the driver in the vehicle and no passengers may result in a parking ticket. Occurrences of such conduct will be noted by parking security personnel, with carpool groups losing their discount if instances occur at least ten times. The carpool captain will have the charges imposed on their account.
Individuals looking to form a carpool group may visit the Parking Office located in Ancillary Services and fill out an informational form with their schedule and location. The Parking Office will then contact carpool captains and other applicants with similar schedules and locations to form a group.
For additional information, contact the Parking Office by telephone, (204) 727-9761 or (204) 727-7394; by email,; or in person on the main floor of McMaster Hall.
Republished from The Quill print edition, Volume 104, Issue 2, September 10, 2013.