The Quill’s Annual General Meeting at SUDS on March 12, 2013. (Holly Kalyniuk / The Quill)
Yesterday, The Quill held their Annual General Meeting at SUDS. Commencing at 12:46 pm and concluding at 1:25 pm, there were 41 signed participants present to vote on the passing of bylaws and the reading of reports from various board members and employees of your student newspaper.
During the meeting, minutes from the 2012 Quill AGM were adopted as accurate, and the Corporation Report, Production Report, and Financial Report were read by Vice-Chair of the Board of Directors Chris Hunt, Editor-in-Chief Emily Diehl, and General Manager Elinor Murray, respectively.
The charismatic and quirky Murray was praised for managing The Quill’s finances with expertise. Certain there are no expenses owing, Murray invited the crowd to question her if they suspected fault in her work. While perhaps sounding menacing, Murray meant it in all sincerity and she really isn’t dangerous…we hope.
All of the six proposed motions included in the 2012-2013 AGM Agenda were passed without opposition. According to Diehl, all of the alterations were made only to allow for the bylaws passed at last year’s AGM easier for the corporation to follow in the future, with no major modifications made.
Free pizza from SUDS was offered to guests courtesy of The Quill.
Among the signees present included BUSU President Carissa Taylor and Vice President Internal Raymond Thomson, as well as electoral candidates Stephanie Bachewich (President), Matthew May (Vice President Internal), Julia Sinclair (Vice President External), and Jenna Clinton (Vice President Internal), as well as various students running for commissioner positions. The Quill needed a quorum of at least 1% of the student population for the meeting to commence, and they exceeded the roughly 30-33 signatures needed with 41 signees.
Students can vote for the board of their student newspaper during the BUSU elections being held on March 18th and 19th. Hunt will be running for re-election in his Director at Large position, and current Assistant Editor-in-Chief Brady Knight is also campaigning for a Director at Large seat.
The hiring process for positions like Editor-in-Chief and General Manager will begin once The Quill’s board is formed, positions are advertised, and people interested apply, with the process wrapping up over the summer.
Couldn’t make it out? View footage from the AGM here.