What’s going on at BU?

What’s going on at BU?

By Charles Adamu, Junior Reporter

Previously on “what’s going on at BU?”

      In my previous update on what's going on at Brandon University, I welcomed all our “newbies” on behalf of the staff and students of Brandon University. As I said in the last article, we are thrilled to have you- after all, the more the merrier. I talked about how much of a culture shock one could get by traveling all the way from our individual homes to here in order to pursue one degree or another and how our respective adjustments would vary. Also, at that time, I welcomed us into the Black history month-the month of February- and used the opportunity to call on some of the names that come to mind whenever one ponders upon the contributions, achievements, and impacts that have been made by black people in our society at large. Finally, we talked about how the lovers and romantics had taken the 28 days for themselves and left us singles with no option but to watch, get jealous, and try our best to act like we weren’t jealous.

What’s going on at BU?

    Let me kick off by saying “Boy am I glad that that love-sick month is over. ” Hi March, I am so glad you are here. You have no idea how dreading those last 28 days were.  All those flowers, chocolates, and wrapped presents, and February could not even spare me a petal. I have a favor to ask of you March- next year if I am not to receive any chocolates or flowers(if and only if…don’t you dare carry out this favor if you know I'm going to be on the month of love’s good list), I want you to negotiate with January and find a way to exclude February from 2024. Thanks in advance. Signed Charles. Okay, month jokes aside, a lot has happened at Brandon University since my last update to y’all. I will begin by discussing extensively the BUSU elections.

What’s going on at BUSU?

 On the 3rd of February, an email was sent to all Brandon University students calling on them to participate in the students' elections. The email’s subject read, “Nominations forms for the student elections are now available!” The email explained that the election provides a chance to be part of something bigger and an opening to advocate for a much-needed change.  The email noted the following important dates:

1st Nomination period: 6th-10th February 2023

2nd Nomination period: 13th-15th February 2023

Deadline for returning signed packages: 10th & 15th February 2023

Campaign period: 22nd February-10th March 2023

Voting: 9-10th March

      Also, alongside all this information, a pdf document was attached, showing all the available positions for students to run for. The following positions were included: President, Vice President Engagement, Vice President Operations, Arts Director, Science Director, Music Director, Queer Director, Indigenous Peoples Director, LGBTQ Collective Chair, Gender Empowerment Collective Chair, Women’s Director, Racialized Director, Residence Director, International Director, Part-Time/Mature Director, Racialized Collective Chair, Indigenous Peoples’ Chair, Accessibility Director, Education Director, Health Studies Director, Senate Positions, Graduate Studies Director, International Students Collective Chair, KDC Board Student-At-Large x2.

    I recall having discussions with various people on picking up the nomination form and while some felt ready and willing to serve and hold positions, some felt like it wasn’t their time yet. Examples of some: me. In no time after this email was sent to students, the registration packages in the BUSU area started flying out. I was happy to see a lot of students willing to serve their fellow students. I remember filling in my name for a couple of candidates(I reckoned that this was part of the registration process) and having a slight chat with them trying to figure out if this person deserved my vote. In no time at all, the registration window closed, nominations were seized, and signed packages were returned. it was down to the campaign period. As I already indicated above, the campaign period lasted from the 22nd February-10th March 2023. During this period, lots of posters were up, lots of discussions regarding the voting were had, and our candidates were seen around trying their best to get their names and motives to the students of Brandon University. During this campaign period, precisely on the 7th of March, at Bailey’s(Lower level, KDC) by 12:40 pm, a BUSU General Elections Town Hall Meeting was had. The town hall meeting provided students with the opportunity to get to meet and interact with their potential representatives. 

     Two days later, on the 9th of March, after everything had been said and done, the voting began. The polls were open on both the 9th and 10th of March to allow the students to decide who they felt would best represent their interests. It was a pretty tensed-up period for not just the candidates but also for students who really wanted their choice of representatives to emerge victorious. 

     Ladies and Gentlemen, I am now here to tell you all that the results for the 2023 BUSU GENERAL ELECTIONS have been announced, and without further ado, I will like you to meet your new and latest BUSU student body

I would like to congratulate all those who participated in the election process and give an outstanding round of applause to those who came out on top.  I really do hope and pray that you find your tenure a fulfilling one and that you represent the students to the best of your abilities. 

The Long Night Against Procrastination

The semester is gradually drawing to a close.  The winter feels like it's about to pass its baton and spring looks like it's about to collect it. I’ve got to say though that I’ve got nothing against you Spring, but I can’t wait for summer. Most midterms have been written, the study break has come and is now long gone, and scariest of them all, exam timetables are out.  In no time at all, we are all going to find ourselves sitting our bottoms on those uncomfortable chairs at the Healthy Living Center. In light of the upcoming finals, Brandon University once again held its Long Night Against Procrastination event.  The Long Night Against Procrastination event is an event held every semester; it is the library’s most popular event where students can study and access academic services. The event provides a safe place for students to study for extended hours-7 pm-2 am, allowing students to study/write during a critical point in the semester. It provides lots of activities, prizes, and snacks to help students get through the long hours. Math skill coaches are usually present, alongside writing coaches, reference librarians and assistants, computer help, and circulation service. And once again, it was a blast! The library was filled up. A lot of students came out to take a stand against a common enemy: procrastination. I recall myself racing through the crowd to get a pizza slice and even better, recall the smile on my face when they announced that we could come to get another slice. I made the most of my night- burning through my calculus assignments and psychology slides. Frankly, I was so proud of everyone that turned and happy to know that I was not the only procrastinator. I will now use this as an avenue to thank my fellow procrastinators. It was nice studying with you.

In Residence at Brandon University

           As always, the Brandon University residence halls were up to something. The residence assistants and residence council were cooking up something nice, something tasty. Let us now take a look into what has gone on in residence at Brandon University in the last few weeks. A couple of events were held during the study break. The residence council hosted a couple of movie nights, one of them showing “The Adam’s project,” a pizza study night that combined with an ARA session,  and a “get to know me” event that spanned for a week. 

 The resident assistants held a hide-and-seek game in which I chose not to participate because I figured that if I were to be a hider, I would just lock myself in my room and let my seeker seek forever, and if I were to be a seeker, I would still lock myself in my room and let my hider hide forever. And so to prevent people from doing things forever, I decided to exclude myself. Also, in light of concluding the black history, and love-sick month, the McMaster Residence council hosted an open mic event on the 28th of February. An event that was held at Bailey’s by 7 pm. Special shout-out to Sean Taron for making this possible. The event started slowly as most of us were perhaps shy to take the spot but gradually, after Finn Rachul, a former member of the residence council played the keyboard for us, a lot of people hopped on the mic and were ready to display their talents. A couple of people sang for us, some played their guitars, one person danced for us, a magic/ comedy show was put on for us and I read some poems. It was a night to remember. We all had fun and everyone left excited. Moving on from that, on the 16th of March, the interviews for the new Resident Assistants were had in Meeting room A. I really do look forward to meeting those who will be serving as Resident assistants in the next academic session. 

      It has been a long semester guys and as I always say, “something is always going on at BU.” In about a month or two, the academic year will be over and the holidays will commence. I want to use this opportunity to wish you all the best in your finals and encourage you to make the best of your summer break- play, swim, make money, read nonschool books, take a drive, and leave Brandon, all I am trying to say in essence is: have fun! I look forward to writing and updating you all again on what’s going on at Brandon University in the next academic year but for now, I say my goodbyes. It has been an honor, and I cannot wait to greet y’all in the next academic session and as always let you know about “what’s going on at BU?”
