Shoutout to the Student Leaders on Campus

Shoutout to the Student Leaders on Campus

Part 2

By: Mallory Johnson 

Regarding the roles and responsibilities of a Student Leader, Mckenna said tours and helping new students. She also said that the first day of classes “was a very hot day but I think we did a good job. We had the chance to sit in the courtyard for a few hours during the first week of classes to help any students with questions or needing help to get to a class. I did three shifts that week sitting at the table, and we only had about eight people ask us questions that whole week. I think that is a good number of people asking questions about campus for the first week because it shows how well we helped everyone else during Orientation.” 

Mckenna’s favorite part of leading was helping people and making conversations with new people. She loves getting to know people and “being a student leader gives me the opportunity to talk to more people.” Her least favorite part (so far) was “sitting in the hot sun waiting to give people tours and also waiting in a gym at the HLC for forty minutes waiting on the Playfair guy.” Mckenna would love to be a Student Leader again if she could because it is a great chance to meet new people and help others out while also getting the chance to participate in cool events. She got to meet a lot of new students who were from out of province. Mckenna is born and raised in Brandon, so it is interesting for her learning about what it is like to live in another city and come to a brand-new city. She did not meet anyone in particular that was interesting, but she did get to meet a lot of cool new people so far in this school year. 

Mckenna did not have to remind herself where things are on campus because she luckily had a few in-person classes last semester. She said that it is strange to see a lot of people on campus for sure. She only had to remind herself of the names of some of the buildings, which is alright because BU is a small campus. Last year she would walk her dog around campus after school hours to prevent her from feeling weird about being back. Thank you to all the Student Leaders for everything they have done so far to help start this semester back on campus with a bang!