Tips to Writing Papers at the End of the Semester

Tips to Writing Papers at the End of the Semester

By Ronnie Kayla Neiman

It’s getting to the end of the semester and many classes have a paper as their final project. Each class and professor have their own specific guidelines, though some are universal. 

The usual being; Using 12 pt Times New Roman Font, double spaced. 

Plagiarism is a huge no. Most, if not all course outlines share the Brandon University academic honesty policy. If you need to quote something, make sure to cite it properly. 

Be sure to note which citation style your professor has asked for. MLA, APA, Chicago are the more commonly used ones, but each professor will usually tell you which one to use when assigning the paper. If you aren’t sure, make sure to ask them. Be sure to ask sooner rather than later because it is getting to be the very busy point of the semester. 

If you gave questions about the assignment, that is something you can also ask the professor. Emails are usually the better way to ask, especially if you have more than one question. Be sure to give the professors time to respond, or perhaps make an appointment to meet with them during office hours. 

Student Services at Brandon University also provide a lot of help with writing papers and studying, though they can get busy quickly at the end of term. Though, even if they are booked up, they provide a lot of helpful online resources that can go a long way in helping students finish their end of semester assignments. 

Everything gets busy and chaotic at the end of the semester, so be sure to be prepared. Just doing thata can ease a lot of anxieties. 

Best of luck on your end of semester papers!