Brandon University Co-op Program

Brandon University Co-op Program

by Ronnie Kayla Neiman

(Photo Credit: Creative Commons_ C.O.D. Library)

(Photo Credit: Creative Commons_ C.O.D. Library)

Co-operative Education is a structured approach that will formally integrate a student’s academic studies with relevant work-related experience. It alternates student study terms with work terms. Co-op is a partnership between the university, the employer, and the student. All three parties work together to enhance students’ employability skills and contribute to their intellectual, professional, and personal development.

Whatever your career goal is, Co-op can help you gain knowledge, and insights that will give you a competitive edge for your future. Co-op will help you clarify what you want to do after graduation. For some students, they go right into their career, whereas others prepare for further studies like graduate school or professional programs. The Co-op program can help those choices.

A student can apply for this program prior to joining the university, or once they are a student. The application page is on the Brandon University website. Potential employers can even directly link to the website to find employees. 

If you have any questions contact Cora Dupois, Co-operative Program Coordinator at  204-571-7848 or