Zoom vs Microsoft Teams
by Kiersten Garbutt
For the majority of students, we all are close to experience a full year of online learning. By now we all have our preference on what platforms we enjoy the most. The big question however is between Zoom and Microsoft Teams, which one is more preferred by the student body. I asked 105 students which they preferred and 75 answered in favour of zoom and 30 answered in favour of Microsoft teams.
Both platforms have there pros and cons. Starting with Microsoft teams, there is an advantage of having all material accessible in one app. Professors have stated that it is easier on them to only worry about one app. Whereas, if a professor uses Zoom, they have to worry about Zoom links and a secondary platform, like Moodle, to update assignments and upload grades. Additionally, Teams comes with a chat function, where you can reach out to other students, which comes in handy during group projects or the attempt to substitute a social life. However, Microsoft teams can be very confusing for some students. In most classes it is easier to email professors assignments rather then figuring out how to submit assignments directly on the app. To conclude, Microsoft Teams has really useful functions however, most students find the platform confusing.
Zoom is the preferred platform for many students. The main reason for this is because of how simple zoom functions. Zoom is also consistent because the link is usually the same every time. Plus zoom also comes with a chat function that students can use during class.
Due to online learning, it is a lot easier to have all material in the same platform, and since Zoom and Moodle are the platforms that are usually used, it is tedious when there is one class that uses Microsoft teams.