Attending Classes

Attending Classes

by Mary Okorie

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Classes have resumed for fall and some programs are offering mixed classes which   is some classes are in person while others are still online. Some other programs are offering classes primarily online because of Covid 19 and government restrictions. Irrespective of how lectures are delivered, it is very important to attend classes. 

Some people are finding it hard to adjust back to going for in-person class especially when they have had a year of online and the weather is getting colder as the days go by. It is not easy to wake up on a cold early morning and take a walk to school and people would prefer to be at home. There are still benefits of going to class. People get to interact with each other while adhering to wearing mask. Friends and connection are made which is hard to make in an online delivered class. Attention span is also better when sitting on chair and desk rather than being in bed. It is still very important to attend online classes, especially if that is how the course material is being delivered. Professors tend to say important things and give hints in class. Sometimes there are questions asked in class that can be very helpful. Some professors also take attendance and add it to grade marks. The importance of attendance is always strong and should be adhered to. 

Also students should try to prepare before coming to class by reading class materials, preparing questions to ask in class and also having a good night rest so they are not groggy and feeling tired the next day.

Though it might be hard to attend classes online or in person, the importance cannot be stressed enough in achieving success in the semester.