SafeTALK: Suicide Alertness for Everyone

One of the upcoming events taking place at the university is SafeTalk. It aims to prepare anyone over the age of 15 to help identify people with thoughts of suicide and connect them to suicide first aid resources.  

Most people with thoughts of suicide invite help to stay safe. Alert helpers know how to use these opportunities to support that desire for safety. With this training, you will be better able to move beyond common tendencies to miss, dismiss or avoid suicide; to identify people who have thoughts of suicide; and to apply the TALK steps (Tell, Ask, Listen, and KeepSafe) in order to connect a person with suicidal thoughts to suicide first aid and/or intervention caregivers.

It takes placeTuesday, September 17th @ 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm in Louis Riel Room, McMaster Hall. 

If this is something that interests you, you need to apply online through Helping someone with suicidal thoughts through knowledge and training is good mental health care.